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Awards Presentation

Challenge upon challenge upon difficulty upon arduous task have beset the entire world this year, and the architecture field is no exception. From pandemic to social unrest; from climate action emergencies to political upheaval, all have faced obstacles in one form or another. It is in these unprecedented times when the value of design makes its mark—when the lives of first responders and those inflicted with viruses are directly affected by an architect’s hand.

And for those whose homes have been badly burned, damaged or destroyed, they rely on architects arrive on the scene as Safety Assessment Program Evaluators (SAP) to begin the process of rebuilding.

Design modifies and alters the world, and the best designs warrant celebration. Which is the purpose of the AIA CA Awards Program. For the first time, the Awards Celebration is brought to you via video, as the state of the world did not allow for an in person celebration.

Please watch to admire and appreciate some of the truly remarkable architecture California has to offer. Take pride if you are one of the recipients; or if you are watching because of curiosity, don’t forget to congratulate your fellow colleagues on a job well-executed.

Here’s to you; here’s to design; here’s to a promising future.

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