Government Relations, Relevance|

Rona Rothenberg, FAIA

Rona Rothenberg, FAIA

By Rona Rothenberg, FAIA

Dear Colleagues,

This summer has been an active time for those of us involved in advocacy, outreach and interactive work at the national, regional and local levels with our government agencies, other components and partners in other branches and States.

I was privileged to join Mark Christian, Hon, AIA CA, Ric. Abramson, FAIA and about 135 other colleagues in Providence, Rhode Island from July 17-19 for the State and Local Government Network Conference (SGN).  While I have been involved with the AIA nationally for the past 10 years through the Public Architects Knowledge Community Advisory Group, I had not previously attended this incredible conference.  I was pleased to be among a broad representation of components and policy experts from AIA National and the components from many states to review proactive State and local policy agendas and hear updates from working groups partnering with the AIA to develop and test policy and advocacy resources.

The lively and interesting conference in beautiful, historic Providence opened with reports from task force groups.  Presentations by diverse participants and panels included topics important to us in AIA California from our own retreat:  climate action environmental initiatives for design and construction of new and existing buildings; broad requirements for self-education and advocacy; bold and visionary, but practical and usable model codes; housing; and business incentives for preservation and upgrade of historic and aging cities, in our neighborhoods and buildings.

The  breakout sessions and policy dinners were especially thought-provoking and engaging.  This included panels and lectures on school safety and design, NCARB and model laws, housing access and affordability, energy efficiency, resiliency in design and construction.  In particular, Mark participated in a panel on legislation aimed at improving energy performance in buildings and Ric. moderated a discussion of a topic of keen interest to me about models for 21st Century Citizen Architects.  The invited speakers were among the best and brightest including Mayor Mick Cornett of Oklahoma City, Joseph DaSilva from the Rhode Island Department of Education and Bonnie Nickerson from the City of Providence Planning, Dr. Neil Kleiman, and expert on “living cities” from NYC and finally the urban innovator and author Jayson White.

More to follow next month!


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