AIACA, Government Relations, Relevance|

Now is the time to tell us what issues the AIACC Government Affairs team should work on in 2018.
Every year we survey the Membership for legislative ideas we can forward to the California State Legislature that would improve the profession of architecture and our natural and built environments.  All survey responses will be reviewed by your colleagues who comprise our Advocacy Advisory Committee, and their recommendations will be presented to the AIACC Board of Directors on November 3rd, 2017 for its consideration.
The Advocacy Survey is open through this Friday, October 6.
Click here to take the survey and let us know what you would like us to do.
Past examples of legislation that the AIACC forwarded to the Legislature include:
2013 – AB 630:  Gives architects another tool to protect their intellectual property by clearly stating in California law that an architect’s Instruments of Service can be used only with the written permission of the architect
2015 – SB 704:  Makes it easier for architects to serve their communities as members of a local board or commission, such as a design review board or planning commission, by making changes to the conflict of interest law.
2016 – SB 1132:  An idea forwarded by the Academy of Emerging Professionals, SB 1132 would have allowed those on path to licensure to call themselves an “architect-in-training.”  This bill passed the Legislature without a single “No” vote, but unfortunately was vetoed by the Governor.

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