Government Relations, Relevance|

The 2019 AIA CA Elections were held November 2 in Newport Beach. Results of the incoming elected officers are below:


First Vice President/President-Elect:

Debra Gerod, FAIA


Vice President of Communications/Public Affairs:

Ian Merker, AIA


Vice President of Government Relations:

Rona G. Rothenberg, FAIA


Vice President of Education and Professional Development:

Donald W. Caskey, FAIA


Vice President of CA CACE:

Carlo Caccavale, Hon. AIA LA


Young Architects Regional Director (YARD), North:

Tay Othman, AIA


Associate Director, South:

David T Phung, Assoc. AIA

Student Director, South:

Liam Hanlon, AIAS

AIA Delegates: 2019-21 Regional Representative to the AIA Strategic Council:

Brian A. Sehnert, AIA


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