We know times are tough for everyone in the design and construction industry. But its in time like this we need to strengthen relationships and take advantage of unorthodox marketing opportunities. Be sure to renew your AIA CA allied membership and take advantage of this opportunity to position yourself and your company for the future.

Why Should You Become an AIA CA Allied Member?

  • You’ll have access to over 10,000 architects and design professionals in California can significantly increase business.
  • You’ll have qualified leads and the best of targeted marketing with AIA CA member mailings.

The benefits pay for the membership right away!

AIA CA Allied members receive:

  • A complimentary mailing list of AIA CA members in either Northern or Southern California (up to a $220 value!)
  • AIA CA affiliation
  • A listing and link on www.aiacalifornia.org
  • Networking opportunities at a state and local level
  • Opportunities to attend AIA CA events like the Monterey Design Conference at member rates (up to $200 value)
  • Special pricing on advertising and sponsorship packages

Click here to download application. For more information on contact Mardriss Nelson or call direct (916) 642-1713.

AIA CA Allied Members are our partners in the design and construction community in California. This directory provides you direct access to them – by name and area of specialization. Please consider using their products and services on your next project.

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