Climate Action, Codes|










Every three years California adopts new building codes and standards.  The standards are adopted and proposed by various state agencies and are, for the most part, based on national model codes.  The California Building Standards Commission reviews and approves the standards adopted by the state agencies.

California currently is in the process of preparing the 20222 California Building Standards Code. Here is a timeline of that process.

The California Building Standards Commission has released some videos on the Commission and the building code adoption process.

About the California Building Standards Commission

About the CBSC Rulemaking Process

About Title 24

About CALGreen


AIA California Advocacy on Codes

AIA California is actively promoting standards to reduce the impact the built environment has on the climate.  A sizeable percentage of greenhouse gas emissions in California come from the operation of homes and buildings.  AIA California believes California can be a leader in fighting Climate Change through the enactment of Zero Net Carbon standards.

Our efforts include:

Local Electrification Codes

AIA CA has joined with several local chapters to support efforts to adopt local electrification reach codes.  The jurisdictions include: San Carlos, Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Colma, Petaluma, San Francisco, and San Luis Obispo.  This is an ongoing, and growing, effort.


Zero Code for California

AIA California has petitioned to include the Zero Code for California in CALGreen.  Amending CalGreen to include the 2022 Zero Code for California will create a consistent, replicable reach code framework for decarbonization by electrification and renewable energy for commercial and large residential developments.

The ZeroCode for California


California Existing Building Code

AIA California has petitioned to amend the California Existing Building Code to include all three national model code compliance methods.  This will support increased retrofit and reuse of our urban existing building infrastructure for greatly reduced embodied carbon emissions, while at the same time providing urban revitalization, infill housing and well paying jobs.

Updating California’s Existing Building Code


Contact Mark Christian, the AIA CA Director of Government Relations for information on how to help these efforts.




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