Amendment of the California Existing Building Code

Advocacy, Codes|

To incorporate all three compliance paths that exist in the International Existing Building Code

BY: Michael Malinowski, FAIA

AIA California mirrors the architectural profession in making environmental stewardship and climate action central to its strategy and actions.  We believe that the issue of climate change is urgent—a perspective shared by more than 1,700 governments around the world that have declared a climate emergency.[1]

Our 11,000 design professionals recognize that the urgency of climate action requires a new mindset in shaping our environment, with a high degree of sensitivity to how our choices can impact greenhouse gas emissions, both from operation of buildings, but also from embodied carbon.  When looking at total greenhouse gas emissions for new buildings built over the next ten years — the critical period for action to address the global climate emergency — Architecture 2030 estimates that 80 percent will come from embodied emissions, so lowering embodied carbon emissions is now even more urgent than lowering operating emissions.[2]  This means that in the coming years, leveraging our existing building infrastructure is going to be increasingly important.  AIA CA believes this triggers a need for new focus on our California Existing Building Code.

The International Existing Building Code is unique among the ICC National Codes in having a focus on flexibility, presenting users with three compliance paths from which to choose.[3]  Each of these paths: Prescriptive; Work Area, and Performance lead to safe, code-compliant buildings. Their differences allow design professionals to match the code path to the unique circumstances a particular existing building challenge can present. Like all ICC Codes, the IEBC has been developed over many years in a national open, transparent, consensus environment.[4]   Thus, its provisions are well vetted and are already in use across the United States.

The Title 24 (T24) Part 2 “regular” building code is focused primarily on new construction, which involves predictable materials, systems, and process.  Reusing existing buildings often requires increased flexibility and deep code analysis to ensure both feasibility and safe, functional and code-compliant outcomes.  While we do have a robust Historic code (T24 Part 8) many older properties cannot access it.  This leaves the California Existing Building Code (CEBC) as a primary tool.

Unfortunately, in its current state, the CBEC lacks key code path options that make the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) such a powerful and useful tool.  The CEBC today only includes the Prescriptive methods, which have the most limited range of options.  Other important code concepts, even those that had previously been in Chapter 34 of the IBC prior to the establishment of the IEBC as a separate code in 2005, are missing.  We believe this lack of code flexibility in California makes reuse of our existing building stock less feasible due to higher costs and greater uncertainty – which in turn deprives us of the many benefits that come from updating, reusing and retrofitting existing buildings. Throughout our state, one can look up at empty unused downtown upper floors, and drive down obsolete commercial corridors, and appreciate the huge unrealized potential. The importance of having a robust and complete existing building code is addressed in detail in a white paper by the National Institute of Building Standards.[5]  “The adoption of the IEBC in particular has broader community benefits by becoming a key element and driver of economic development; promoting affordable housing; allowing the reuse of existing building stock; and fostering the revitalization of older, often blighted and vacant neighborhoods. Building owners, developers and economic development authorities have flexibility to use methodologies that make the most sense for their project. The blighted or decaying communities become livable and vibrant again and the existing buildings become safer.”[6]

With more than 40 percent[7] of design professional work involving repair, alteration, renovation, and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, having additional flexibility will encourage and support additional adaptive reuse.  While Architects and Code Officials find reusing existing buildings can present unique code challenges, these projects also can bring many important benefits to our communities:

  1. Existing buildings are packed full of embodied carbon, which stays in place when they are repurposed. This makes a large virtual contribution to decarbonization when contrasted with demolition and replacement.
  2. When Architects retrofit existing buildings – more than half of which are over 40 years old – we boost their energy efficiency, resiliency, function, and sustainability.
  3. Reusing existing buildings leverage the vast investments that have been made over many decades in existing infrastructure of our communities, such as streets, sidewalks, utility and service grids, and civic institutions like parks, schools, hospitals and more.
  4. Architects take pride in using the power of design to help connect our modern needs with our heritage and past. When we repurpose obsolete buildings in our urban centers for such new uses as attainable housing, mixed use lofts for live work, and other innovative new patterns of urban design, we breathe new life into our urban cores with walkable, sustainable, and resilient design solutions.  Adaptive reuse supports progress in addressing such pressing issues as our state’s housing crisis, our decarbonization challenge, and our transportation bottlenecks.

AIA CA believes that adding all three compliance paths to the CEBC will benefit communities statewide, with the most likely immediate benefits to include a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the creation of more infill walkable housing.  We are aware that this proposed change may be challenging to implement, but we believe the benefits in addressing California’s climate and housing crises make action important in this current code cycle.  The AIA CA stands ready to assist with this process in any way we can.  We also commit to fully informing our design professional members so they can make effective use of this new tool as soon as possible.

The AIA CA believes that the framework of the IEBC provides for protection of citizen health, safety and welfare while also supporting reuse, repurposing and retrofitting of our huge existing building stock to benefit our citizens.  We also believe that building codes and Standards play a critically important role in environmental stewardship.

This is the basis for our petition to amend the CEBC


Outline of Proposed Code Changes

Adopt Chapter 6 Classification of work

Adopt Chapter 7 Alterations – Level 1

Adopt Chapter 8 Alterations – Level 2

Adopt Chapter 9 Alterations – Level 3

Adopt Chapter 10 Change of Occupancy

Adopt Chapter 11 Additions

Adopt Chapter 13 Performance Compliance Methods


How Can you Support this Effort?

The AIA CA welcomes letters of support for our code change petition.  A CC to the AIA CA would be appreciated:


California Building Standards Commission

Mia Marvelli

Executive Director, California Building Standards Commission

CC to

Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA



[1] Over 1700 governments around the world have declared a climate emergency

[2] Embodied Carbon: what is it, why is it so important, and what can we do about it

[3] IEBC overview,%2C%20and%20(3)%20Performance.

[4] The ICC Code Development Process How it Works; and By the Numbers


[6] The Role of Existing Building Codes in Safely, Cost-Effectively Transforming the Nation’s Building Stock A White Paper by the National Institute of Building Sciences National Council of Governments on Building Codes and Standards (NCGBCS)

[7] American Institute of Architects, Renovate, retrofit, reuse: Uncovering the hidden value in America’s existing building stock (Washington, D.C.: AIA 2019)

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California Building Codes and Standards

Climate Action, Codes|










Every three years California adopts new building codes and standards.  The standards are adopted and proposed by various state agencies and are, for the most part, based on national model codes.  The California Building Standards Commission reviews and approves the standards adopted by the state agencies.

California currently is in the process of preparing the 20222 California Building Standards Code. Here is a timeline of that process.

The California Building Standards Commission has released some videos on the Commission and the building code adoption process.

About the California Building Standards Commission

About the CBSC Rulemaking Process

About Title 24

About CALGreen


AIA California Advocacy on Codes

AIA California is actively promoting standards to reduce the impact the built environment has on the climate.  A sizeable percentage of greenhouse gas emissions in California come from the operation of homes and buildings.  AIA California believes California can be a leader in fighting Climate Change through the enactment of Zero Net Carbon standards.

Our efforts include:

Local Electrification Codes

AIA CA has joined with several local chapters to support efforts to adopt local electrification reach codes.  The jurisdictions include: San Carlos, Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Colma, Petaluma, San Francisco, and San Luis Obispo.  This is an ongoing, and growing, effort.


Zero Code for California

AIA California has petitioned to include the Zero Code for California in CALGreen.  Amending CalGreen to include the 2022 Zero Code for California will create a consistent, replicable reach code framework for decarbonization by electrification and renewable energy for commercial and large residential developments.

The ZeroCode for California


California Existing Building Code

AIA California has petitioned to amend the California Existing Building Code to include all three national model code compliance methods.  This will support increased retrofit and reuse of our urban existing building infrastructure for greatly reduced embodied carbon emissions, while at the same time providing urban revitalization, infill housing and well paying jobs.

Updating California’s Existing Building Code


Contact Mark Christian, the AIA CA Director of Government Relations for information on how to help these efforts.




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The 2022 ZeroCode for California

Climate Action, Codes, Specialist|

California is a world leader in decarbonization of the built environment.   Building codes can be locally amended to support climate action via what are called ‘reach codes’.  When Berkeley became the first City in the US to ‘ban natural gas’ [1] in mid 2019, it made headlines around the world.  Today, there are nearly three dozen Cities and Counties in California[2] that have taken similar measures.  Each of these communities has taken their climate action planning to the arena of codes and regulations, recognizing that this is the path to make broad and comprehensive change in the built environment.

Architects design virtually every new and retrofit commercial, institutional, and high density residential project in California.  The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is the voice of design professionals, and the 11,000 members of the AIA California support the development of coordinated, comprehensive and contemporary building codes and standards to both protect the public health safety and welfare, and to support the investment that revitalizes and reshapes our built infrastructure to be efficient, resilient and high performing. [3]

The AIA CA supports decarbonization of the built environment, and the reach codes that have allowed such rapid movement forward in supporting climate action.  We also believe that these objectives will be more efficiently served when there are uniform, nationally vetted standards put into place to achieve them.  One such national standard is the ZeroCode, developed by the non-profit Architecture 2030 organization, a world leader in climate action innovation.  This code has been officially vetted and approved to be an appendix in the International Energy Conservation Code for 2021.  [4]

[1] Berkeley first US City to ban natural gas

[2] Reach Code References: locations with existing reach codes;

Process outline for adopting local standards:

Electrification Reach code cities

Reach Code best practices and toolkit

[3] Policies and Position Statements of the American Institute of Architects

To further its climate action plan, AIA California assisted Architecture 2030 in modification of the ‘national’ version of the ZeroCarbon Code to more specifically align with our California reach code landscape: the 2022 ZeroCode for California.   This document lives on the Architecture 2030 website as a free and open source tool.[5]  We believe is important to incorporate into our California Building Codes a framework that creates additional consistency in zero carbon reach codes, while at the same time connecting that with a nationally vetted reference.  This is the basis for the AIA CA petition to the California Building Standards Commission to reference the 2022 ZeroCode for California in the California Building Code, Part 11, commonly called CalGreen.

As proposed, this code change would make the 2022 ZeroCode California’s first zero carbon compliance tool readily available as an optional tier for local adoption.

For jurisdictions not wanting to wait for the next code cycle, the 2022 ZeroCode for California is available for adoption today, bringing a new level of consistency to our decarbonization reach code environment, which will support lowered costs, reduced uncertainty, greater ease in application, and consistency in enforcement.

[4] Zero Code Renewable Energy Appendix Added to the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code  Announcement | July 2020

[5] The 2020 Zero Code for California

Outline of Proposed Code Changes

Amend Title24 Part 11 California Green Building Standards Code

Appendix A5 Nonresidential Voluntary Measures

Modify Section A5.211 Renewable Energy  as follows:

Add new text as follows:

Section A5.211.4 Zero Carbon

Section A5.211.4.1 Performance Standard

Conform to the requirements of the Zero Code for California (ZCC) found at  The ZCC includes both prescriptive and performance paths to compliance referencing the current California Building Energy Standards. 


Division 5.2 Energy Efficiency

Add new text as follows:

Elective    Zero Carbon              Code Section A5.211.4, A5.211.4.1


Division 5.2 Energy Efficiency

Add new text as follows:

Elective    Zero Carbon              Code Section A5.211.4, A5.211.4.1

How can you Help?

The AIA CA welcomes letters of support for our code change petition.  A CC to the AIA CA would be appreciated:

California Building Standards Commission

Mia Marvelli

Executive Director, California Building Standards Commission



Nicki Dennis Stephens Hon. AIA CA

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Updating California’s Existing Building Code

Climate Action, Codes, Press Room/Releases, Specialist|

Amendment of the California Existing Building Code to incorporate all three compliance paths that exist in the International Existing Building Code

AIA California mirrors the architectural profession in making environmental stewardship and climate action central to its strategy and actions.  We believe that the issue of climate change is urgent; this perspective is support by 1700 + governments around the world that have declared a climate emergency.[1]

Our 11,000 design professional members design virtually every new and retrofit commercial, institutional, and high density residential project in California.  We recognize that the urgency of climate action requires a new mindset in shaping our environment, with a high degree of sensitivity to how our choices can impact greenhouse gas emissions, both from operation of buildings, but also from embodied carbon.  When looking at total greenhouse gas emissions for new buildings built over the next ten years — the critical period for action to address the global climate emergency — Architecture 2030 estimates that 80% will come from embodied emissions, so lowering embodied carbon emissions is now even more urgent than lowering operating emissions.[2]  This means that in the coming years, leveraging our existing building infrastructure is going to be increasingly important.  AIA California believes that this triggers a need for new focus on our California Existing Building Code.

The International Existing Building Code is unique among the ICC National Codes in having a focus on flexibility, presenting users with three compliance paths from which to choose.[3]  Each of these paths: Prescriptive; Work Area; and Performance – lead to safe, code compliant buildings. Their differences allow design professionals to match the code path to the unique circumstances a particular existing building challenge can present. Like all ICC Codes, the IEBC has been developed over many years in a national open, transparent, consensus environment.[4]   Thus, its provisions are well vetted and are already in use across the United States.

The Title 24 (T24) Part 2 “regular” building code is focused primarily on new construction, which involves predictable materials, systems, and process.  Reusing existing buildings often requires increased flexibility and deep code analysis to ensure both feasibility and safe, functional and code compliant outcomes.  While we do have a robust Historic code (T24 Part 8) many older properties cannot access it.  This leaves the California Existing Building Code (CEBC) as a primary tool.

Unfortunately, in its current state, the CBEC lacks key code path options that make the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) such a powerful and useful tool.  The CEBC today only includes the Prescriptive methods, which have the most limited range of options.  Other important code concepts, even those that had previously been in Chapter 34 of the IBC prior to the establishment of the IEBC as a separate code in 2005, are missing.  We believe this lack of code flexibility in California makes reuse of our existing building stock less feasible due to higher costs and greater uncertainty – which in turn deprives us of the many benefits that come from updating, reusing and retrofitting existing buildings. Throughout our state, you can look up at empty unused downtown upper floors, and drive down obsolete commercial corridors, and appreciate the huge unrealized potential. The importance of having a robust and complete existing building code is addressed in detail in a white paper by the National Institute of Building Standards.[5]  “The adoption of the IEBC in particular has broader community benefits by becoming a key element and driver of economic development; promoting affordable housing; allowing the reuse of existing building stock; and fostering the revitalization of older, often blighted and vacant neighborhoods. Building owners, developers and economic development authorities have flexibility to use methodologies that make the most sense for their project. The blighted or decaying communities become livable and vibrant again and the existing buildings become safer.”[6]

With over 40%[7] of design professional work involving repair, alteration, renovation, and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, having additional flexibility will encourage and support additional adaptive reuse.  While Architects and Code Officials find reusing existing buildings can present unique code challenges, these projects also can bring many important benefits to our communities:

  1. Existing buildings are packed full of embodied carbon, which stays in place when they are repurposed. This makes a large virtual contribution to decarbonization when contrasted with demolition and replacement.
  2. When Architects retrofit existing buildings – more than half of which are over 40 years old – we boost their energy efficiency, resiliency, function, and sustainability.
  3. Reusing existing buildings leverage the vast investments that have been made over many decades in existing infrastructure of our communities, such as streets, sidewalks, utility and service grids, and civic institutions like parks, schools, hospitals and more.
  4. Architects take pride in using the power of design to help connect our modern needs with our heritage and past. When we repurpose obsolete buildings in our urban centers for such new uses as attainable housing, mixed use lofts for live work, and other innovative new patterns of urban design, we breathe new life into our urban cores with walkable, sustainable, and resilient design solutions.  Adaptive reuse supports progress in addressing such pressing issues as our state’s housing crisis, our decarbonization challenge, and our transportation bottlenecks.


AIA CA believes that adding all three compliance paths to the CEBC will benefit our communities statewide, with the most likely immediate benefits to include a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the creation of more infill walkable housing.  We are aware that this proposed change may be challenging to implement but we believe the benefits in addressing California’s climate and housing crises make action important in this current code cycle.  The AIA CA stands ready to assist with this process in any way we can.  We also commit to fully informing our design professional members so they can make effective use of this new tool as soon as possible.

The AIA CA believes that the framework of the IEBC provides for protection of citizen health, safety and welfare while also supporting reuse, repurposing and retrofitting of our huge existing building stock to benefit our citizens.  We also believe that building codes and Standards play a critically important role in environmental stewardship.


This is the basis for our petition to amend the CEBC


Outline of Proposed Code Changes


Adopt Chapter 6 Classification of work

Adopt Chapter 7 Alterations – Level 1

Adopt Chapter 8 Alterations – Level 2

Adopt Chapter 9 Alterations – Level 3

Adopt Chapter 10 Change of Occupancy

Adopt Chapter 11 Additions

Adopt Chapter 13 Performance Compliance Methods


How Can you Support this Effort?

The AIA CA welcomes letters of support for our code change petition.  A CC to the AIA CA would be appreciated:


California Building Standards Commission

Mia Marvelli

Executive Director, California Building Standards Commission

CC to

Nicki Dennis Stephens Hon. AIA CA



[1] Over 1700 governments around the world have declared a climate emergency

[2] Embodied Carbon: what is it, why is it so important, and what can we do about it

[3] IEBC overview,%2C%20and%20(3)%20Performance.

[4] The ICC Code Development Process How it Works; and By the Numbers


[6] The Role of Existing Building Codes in Safely, Cost-Effectively Transforming the Nation’s Building Stock A White Paper by the National Institute of Building Sciences National Council of Governments on Building Codes and Standards (NCGBCS)

[7] American Institute of Architects, Renovate, retrofit, reuse: Uncovering the hidden value in America’s existing building stock (Washington, D.C.: AIA 2019)

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Announcing the new Zero Code for California!

Climate Action, Codes, Relevance|

By Michael Malinowski, FAIA

2022 Zero CodeIn July 2019, when AIA California’s Board of Directors made a bold move to address climate change: they endorsed Architecture 2030’s Zero Code and urged that it be put into action as soon as possible.

After two days of discussion and debate, it seemed at the time that moving from the decision to making it so, would be relatively easy— simply call on the governor to take action.

As time passed without progress, that initial strategy was developed into a multi-threaded initiative of advocacy both inside and outside the traditional code development process.

Learn more »

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Code Change = Climate Action

Codes, Relevance|


By: Michael Malinowski, FAIA

AIA California mirrors the architectural profession in making environmental stewardship and climate action central to its strategy and actions.  Considered through this lens, even something as seemingly mundane as code development takes on new importance.  This shift was presaged in 2018, when the AIA Blue Ribbon Panel for Codes and Standards issued a report that outlines a bold new vision of building codes and standards as valuable design tools for a resource constrained and climate challenged future.[1]

Until recently, this connection between codes and climate action may have, to some at least, seemed somewhat abstract.  In 2019, AIA CA took this mantle to the next level by successfully petitioning for two bold code change provisions to California’s Building Standards Commission on behalf of its 11,000 architect and allied professional members.  In 2020, these two code changes will begin a long process of vetting, hearings, debating and refining that will lead to the 2022 California Building Code.   Following is a brief summary of these proposals along with a link for more information and a request for support.  We encourage our members, our allies, and all who are stakeholders in the built environment to join us in moving our codes forward as effective tools to shape both our climate as well as our construction.

ZEROcode integration into CalGreen  Developed by the nonprofit Architecture 2030 organization – a world leader in climate action innovation – the ZEROcode has recently been made part of the International Building Code’s Energy Conservation Code for 2022 as an optional appendix.  AIA CA is moving to make a California specific version of the ZERO code a part of California’s codes for commercial construction via the 2022 California Green Buildings Standards Code (CalGreen).  As proposed, it would be California’s first zero carbon compliance tool, available as an optional tier for local adoption.  For more information, questions and comments and to provide a support letter, click here.      

Amendment of the California Existing Building Code to incorporate all three compliance paths that exist in the 2022 International Existing Building Code. 

The IEBC is unique among the ICC Codes in having a focus on flexibility, presenting users with three distinct compliance paths from which to choose.  Each of these paths: Prescriptive; Work Area; and Performance – lead to safe, code compliant buildings. Their differences allow design professionals to match the best code path forward to the unique circumstances a particular existing building challenge can present. Like all ICC Codes, the IEBC has been developed over many years in a national open, transparent, consensus environment.   Thus, its provisions are well vetted and are already in use in many jurisdictions around the country.

The CEBC, in its present state, does not include these options.  This lack of code flexibility in California makes reuse of our existing building stock less feasible due to higher costs and greater uncertainty, which in turn deprives us of the many benefits that come from updating, reusing and retrofitting existing buildings.

AIA California is advocating for expansion of the CEBC to include all of IEBC’s provisions, which will encourage and support renewing and repurposing more of our existing building stock.  The revised code will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, leverage existing infrastructure, increase our housing stock, and boost local economies with well-paying jobs.   For more information, questions and comments; and to provide a support letter, click here.    

[1] Disruption, Evolution and Change: AIA’s Vision for the Future of Design and Construction.

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