California Clean Energy Home Workshop

CalGreen, Energy|

Cal-Clean-Energy-WorkshopWhether you call them Green, ZNE, Net Zero Energy or some corporate branded version, California’s Clean Energy Homes are setting the standard for what to expect in a new home. They’re more energy efficient, offer lower maintenance costs, they’re quieter, and provide better indoor air quality!

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Governor’s Inaugural Address


On Jan. 5, 2015 Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. was sworn in for an unprecedented fourth term. He delivered powerful words that focused on such topics as economic growth, overcrowded prisons, the education system, the high-speed rail plan—all of which are pertinent to the architecture profession in some way, but on in particular fits in seamlessly with the current AIACC Strategic Initiative Plan. Gov. Brown devoted several paragraphs California’s response to the energy crisis—on par with goals architects must achieve.

He praised the fact that California “has the most far-reaching environmental laws of any state,” and how California leads the nation in natural resource resiliency. Financially, this is an excellent opportunity for California architects as he also pointed out how AB 32 is “showing how the market itself can generate the innovations we need” in order to reach the 2020 goal of obtaining one-third of our electricity from renewable energy. Brown proposed doubling efficiency in existing structures and increasing electricity derived from renewable sources, as well as other options to sustain the environment.

The 2015-16 budget is expected to be released Fri., Jan.9. This will provide more detailed financial strategies for policies and proposals.

We recommend reading the Governor’s address for elaboration on the process, and what the profession can expect.

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