Mr. Malinowski Goes to Washington

Industry News, Sustainability, The Value of Design|

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“Wood is being rediscovered; wood is being reinvented.”
–Michael F. Malinowski, AIA


Michael F. Malinowski, AIA

Sometimes there is more than one way to think through a predicament; more than one solution to be considered. For example, the public often views timber as a precious resource in danger of disappearing. But what if this isn’t the case? What if sustainable harvested would was a medium and therefore a way to increase the employment rate? What if building with wood actually reduced greenhouse gas emissions?

These quandaries were discussed at the White House Rural Council Workshop, Building with Wood: Jobs and the Environment, presented on Mar. 18. Among the presenters invited was California’s own Michael Malinowski, AIA.

According to a press release distributed by the US Forest Service, the idea is to “support sustainable forestry and buffer reduce [sic] greenhouse gas emissions.”

To this effect, The Agriculture Department (USDA) announced a $1 million program to promote wood as a sustainable material in order to boost rural economies. In addition, another $1 million is being used to set up a design competition. The intent is to “demonstrate the architectural and commercial viability of using sustainable wood products in high-rise construction,” according to a USDA press release.

Malinowski, President of Applied Architecture, Inc., presented on the use of timber in architecture. His platform revolved around the narrative of a situation where his switching to wood on a project received very positive results. His account included video and slides, one of which powerfully and simply read: “Wood is being Re-discovered; Wood is being Reinvented.” Malinowski was also able to provide evidence via surveys of innovations regarding wood use that are currently transpiring. “It happened I was one of the three invited jurors for the Canadian Wood Design Awards program – juried in Ottawa, Canada this last December – so I had a ready access to an amazing breadth of work and the firms who are at the leading edge of this innovation in design and application.”

Malinowski received solid feedback on his presentation, as well as an announcement from the AIA Grassroots podium announcing that a member presented to the White House Rural Council. (Even though the event didn’t technically transpire at the White House. Snow prevented the original date and place. As Malinowski said, “It turned out the government was shut down on Monday due to a snow storm; the event was moved to Tuesday at the USDA headquarters on the National Mall – not quite as heady as the original location – but still an event where there were two senior people from the white house speaking, followed with an address by the Secretary of Agriculture.”)

If the mission of this symposium is to consider wood as a sustainable resource and for it to be more widely adopted, no one better to speak than an architect with the research and the experience to back it up. It is from these sorts of presentations which not only the profession learns, but the public as well.

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AIA National Announces Repositioning Ambassadors

Industry News, Relevance|


With the AIA Repositioning Initiative comes the need for strong leaders and innovative minds. AIA National put out a call for anyone interested in becoming a Repositioning Ambassador, seeking passionate souls who could contribute to the cause of shifting the perspective of what members need and how AIA can deliver. Seven (count ‘em, SEVEN) members from California were selected:

    Schuyler L. Bartholomay, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, CDT

    David Burkett, AIA

    Gray Dougherty, AIA

    David Hurley, AIA
    Evelyn Lee, AIA, LEED AP

    Mike Novak, AIA

    Janet Sager

“Considering California’s reputation for creativity and innovation, I am not surprised by this dynamic group of names,” said Paul Welch, Executive Vice President of the American Institute of Architects, California Council. “We look forward to their contributions to the Repositioning Initiative.”

For more information on the Ambassadors, click here. Be sure to check in to for updates and progress.

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