Member Forum, The Value of Design|

The American Institute of Architects, California Council (AIACC), recognized Richard Conrad, Iris Cochlan and staff of the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC), for their contributions to society and the architecture profession at the first Board of Directors meeting of 2013 on February 22.

Because the architecture profession is by no means a solitary enterprise, the phrase “it takes a village” is literal. From the idea, to the draft, to the brick and mortar, a number of different hands and minds intersect and help to sculpt the most beneficial space for the public. These three contributors to the industry were recognized for their diverse and outstanding impact not only in the architecture arena, but in the population at large. Without their hands, minds, ideas, willingness to contribute and collaborate, soul and spirit would have been lacking in several buildings which comprise our communities.
Former 1984 mayor of Ojai and newly retired Principal Architect for Division of the State Architect, Conrad, FAIA, was honored for his vision, leadership, and determined advocacy for quality learning environments, public safety and historic preservation. As a “citizen architect,” he demonstrates how one person can make a difference in advocating for design and improving the human condition. Conrad served as Executive Director of the California Building Standards Commission from 1985 to 1996. Prior to assuming his position with the state, he practiced architecture in Ojai. His practice included residential, commercial, institutional, governmental, educational and health care projects.

Former public member of the California Architects Board (CAB) Cochlan, was recognized for her distinguished service to the people of California and the architectural profession. She has been noted to be a frequent and positive source for new ideas and innovation, and has contributed thoughtful, considerate and spirited engagement in California Architects Board deliberations. Her leadership has benefited the public’s understanding the roll architects play in professional and community affairs. Currently, Cochlan is senior vice president with Eugene Burger Management Corporation and regional manager for the Sacramento Central Valley. From 1979 to 2004, she was the chief executive officer and president of Cochlan/Associates Management Co., a real estate property management firm specializing in senior housing.

The staff of the CBSC is responsible for administering and implementing codes from the proposal to the review and adoption process, and works tirelessly to ensure California maintains its position as a leader in the building codes and standards arena. AIACC recognized this selfless service and presented the recognition stating they “earned the well-deserved respect and admiration of many colleagues, supporters and benefactors.”

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