Hardening for Wildfire Resilience

What you can do right now|

By: William Melby, FAIA, LEED AP and Libby Barnes, AIA, LEED BD+C

What are the impacts of wildfire on California?

A landmark United Nations report has concluded that the risk of devastating wildfires around the world will surge in coming decades as climate change further intensifies what the report described as a “global wildfire crisis.” (1) In California, in recent years, wildfire season has expanded beyond a few months to the entire calendar year. Hardening both site and structure, with proper maintenance, can limit the destruction from wildfire.

Wildfires create an enormous financial burden. Costs can be broken down into four categories: direct, rehabilitation, indirect, and special costs. Special costs can include impacts that are more difficult to quantify, including loss of life and ongoing health concerns for humans, plants and animals in the affected areas. (2) The excerpt from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) map below shows there were 4 wildfire disaster declarations, costing over a billion dollars each, just in California in 2020. (3)

Wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity. California has had more than 250 declared fire disasters since 1953, (4) and the number and intensity of fire seems to be increasing.

CAL FIRE reports that 11,116 structures were damaged or destroyed by wildfire in California in 2020. (10)  The Paradise Ca Fire of 2018 alone, destroyed 18,800 structures. (11)

A May 2021 Op-Ed described the dangers of the growing combination of wildland-urban interface growth and rising temperatures, stating, “In 2020, California experienced its first “gigafire” when the August Complex Fire burned over 1,000,000 acres of land. The age of megafires and gigafires has arrived….” (5)

Wildfires produce environmental damage. The California Air Resources Board estimates that the wildfire destruction of just one average California home causes the release of approximately 17.7 metric tons of carbon. A significant atmospheric carbon burden is created by the release of the carbon, the emissions generated by the diesel-belching heavy equipment used to remove the debris left behind, emissions from the landfill, and the embodied carbon needed to replace the structure. This situation is avoidable with proper resilient design.

What are the impacts of Fire Resilient Design?

Design decisions for both buildings and surroundings can have a profound impact on structure survivability and damage reductions as dramatically shown in the ember attack test photo below. 

Embers and low intensity ground fire are responsible for ninety percent of structure loss due to wildfires. By careful design of the first five feet, structure loss can be dramatically reduced. One side of the above building was constructed using high-risk material, including cedar-shingle siding, vinyl gutters, single-pane windows, and bark mulch around the foundation. The other side was designed to be fire resistant and was built with fiber-cement siding, metal gutter, multi-pane windows, and gravel.

In addition, any flammables adjacent to the home, including wood fences, log storage, and recycle bins, should be kept out of the 0-5’ zone.

This image shows the three HIZ, or Home Ignition Zones at 0-5’, 5’ to 30’ and 30’-100, with all three playing critical roles for preventing fire from reaching the structure. Adherence to the HIZ zone protocol and fire-resistant exterior materials combine to create a well-hardened home.

What are the Costs?

Resilient design costs vary dramatically depending on the type of disasters anticipated and the level of resilience required. Recent reports estimate that an average above-code design (which represents an additional investment of approximately 2% over current building code requirements) can reap a substantial payback in a disaster situation.

The National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) has shown that additional fire mitigation, above-code requirements, can result in significant safety and financial savings of approximately $4 for every $1 spent on mitigation measures. 

Where to start?

Meet with client, civil engineer, or landscape architect to discuss fire mitigation efforts from the site to the building. Informed design decisions can reduce or eliminate the potential weak points where structures commonly ignite. 

  • Become aware of the potential fire hazards disasters that could affect your project location and consider design changes that can mitigate negative effects.
  • Find out about fire vulnerability by referencing the Local County or City Hazard Mitigation Plan and County or City Climate Adaptation Plan for your project area. Fire Hazard Severity – UC ANR (arcgis.com)
  • Review proposed projects with local fire department to make sure access to site is adequate.
  • Check to see if the state Government and the homeowner’s insurance company have programs that provide home hardening incentives or rebates.

Things you can do right now

  1. View wildfire related “What You Can Do Right Now” papers and wildfire related webinars produced by AIA California at: https://aiacalifornia.org/climate-action-webinars/ and https://aiacalifornia.org/what-you-can-do-now
  2. Become familiar with and follow the recommendations found in the FEMA Technical Fact Sheet Series that can be found at: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-08/fema_p_737_0.pdf
  3. Become familiar with the white paper written by Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE for the Building Science Corporation which contains expert advice and details for several common fire hardening conditions. BSI-129: Wildfire | Building Science Corporation
  4. Become familiar with local government Wildland Urban Interface requirements in the project area.
  5. Discuss options and opportunities for Wildfire resilience with your clients and consultants.
  6. Become familiar with local government incentives and insurance discounts available for wildfire mitigation measures.
  7. Recommend to your client that they should consider making their neighborhood a Fire Wise Community. https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire/Firewise-USA


CAL FIRE 10 low-cost ways to harden your home: https://cafiresafecouncil.org/10-low-cost-ways-to-harden-your-home/

FEMA Technical Fact Sheet Series: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-08/fema_p_737_0.pdf

US Department of Agriculture Research Data Archive, Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the United States: Forest Service Research Data Archive (usda.gov)

Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, Protect Your Property from Wildfire, California Edition: https://disastersafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Wildfire-Retrofit-Guide-California_IBHS.pdf

AIA California 2022 Webinar ‘Design for Wildfire Resilience’. https://aiacalifornia.org/design-for-wildfire-resilience/

Architect Magazine article, Wildfire Resilience Design Strategies for Architects and Homeowners, https://www.architectmagazine.com/technology/wildfire-resilience-design-strategies-for-architects-and-homeowners_o

USGBC-LA Wildfire Defense Education & Tours Program Wildfire Defense Toolkit for California Homeowners: https://usgbc-la.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Wildfire-Toolkit-2021-FINAL.pdf

Fire Safe Marin https://firesafemarin.org/

Urban Land Institute https://americas.uli.org/research/centers-initiatives/urban-resilience-program/

NFPA Public Education page https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire/Preparing-homes-for-wildfire


  1. Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires https://www.unep.org/resources/report/spreading-wildfire-rising-threat-extraordinary-landscape-fires
  2. What is the Financial Cost of a Wildfire? https://wfca.com/articles/cost-of-wildfires/
  3. National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Disaster and Risk Mapping | Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (noaa.gov)
  4. Disaster Declarations by State and County, Disaster Declarations for States and Counties | FEMA.gov
  5. Empowering Designers Op-ed: Rethinking roles and reforming rules are required to mitigate wildfire risks By Carly Klein, Stephanie Grigsby • May 10, 2021 • Landscape Architecture, Letter to the Editor, Sustainability, West, Op-ed: Rethinking roles and reforming rules are required to mitigate wildfire risks (archpaper.com)
  6. National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) Study full report, Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2019 Report | National Institute of Building Sciences (nibs.org)
  7. Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, Suburban wildfire Adaptation Roadmaps, A Path to Coexisting with Wildfires, Suburban Wildfire Adaptation Roadmaps – Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (ibhs.org)
  8. Building Science Corporation, Building Science Insights, BSI-129 Wildfire, BSI-129: Wildfire | Building Science Corporation
  9. USGBC-LA Wildfire Defense Education & Tours Program Wildfire Defense Toolkit for California Homeowners, Wildfire Defense Education and Tours – USGBC-LA
  10. https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2020/
  11. PBS, Frontline, Camp fire: By the Numbers, Camp Fire: By the Numbers | Fire in Paradise | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site
  12. National Fire Protection Association: Preparing homes for wildfire https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire/Preparing-homes-for-wildfire

The Authors

Libby Barnes, AIA, LEED AP is a Practicing Architect, AIA Monterey Bay COTE Director, AIA CA Resilient Design Comm. Member, wildfire victim, AIA CA Monterey Design Conference and AIA CA Climate Action webinar presenter.

William Melby, FAIA, LEED AP is a Retired Architect, Member AIA Disaster Assistance Comm., Chair AIA CA Disaster Assistance Network, Founding Cochair AIA CA Resilient Design Comm., CalOES SAP Trainer, and an AIAU Instructor. 

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What You Can Do Right Now: Reducing Climate Impacts through Sustainable Water Practices

What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Right Now: Reducing Climate Impacts through Sustainable Water Practices  

John Leys, PE

Maika Nicholson, PE

Designing low-impact, integrated water systems can contribute to net-zero water and energy goals, and create buildings and sites that are sustainable, resilient, and that connect people to natural water processes. 

Water is a critical natural resource that touches and influences the design of all buildings and sites, and designers can positively influence the management of water resources. Water, energy and carbon are acknowledged to be fundamentally linked, often referred to as the water-energy nexus. Smart water management in design can serve both to reduce energy demands associated with water transport, treatment and use, and to sequester carbon within the open spaces that we preserve, restore and construct.

Why are water systems critical to managing climate change? 

As designers, we tend to think about water within two key systems: building systems and natural systems. Both systems influence the carbon cycle in different ways.

Water in building systems is the water that flows in pipes to serve uses such as drinking water, plumbing fixtures, mechanical equipment, and irrigation systems. We think about these water uses as “transactional” because the water is taken out of a natural system at a carbon cost (the energy required for pumping and water treatment) and returned at a typically higher carbon cost (the energy required for pumping and wastewater treatment prior to discharge back into a natural water body). Conservation and reuse of water can reduce the long-term operational carbon footprint of a project, along with a myriad of other benefits.

Water moving within natural systems supports life (flora and fauna), which in turn bolsters the natural sequestration of carbon by vegetation, which captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transforms it into biomass through photosynthesis. Natural water systems are those supported primarily by precipitation and stormwater runoff. These systems differ from transactional water systems in that they are less “engineered,” typically influenced only in the ways we shape a site and manage the stormwater runoff. Well-designed stormwater management strategies should mimic natural hydrologic processes to the degree feasible by slowing, spreading, infiltration and evapo-transpiring water. Critical to these processes are healthy soils, which carry the lifeblood of our natural systems. Disrupting proper hydration of soils through increased impervious cover, compaction, and depletion alters the connectivity of natural systems both above ground (i.e. rate and volume of runoff to surface waters) and below ground (i.e. infiltration and recharge to groundwater). The integration of low-impact site design, stormwater management, and landscape architecture are critical success factors for how our projects will perform in this regard.

While we often think about these water systems separately, they are intrinsically interlinked and water systems should be planned and designed in an integrated way that allows for maximizing benefits to both the built and natural environment, while minimizing energy use, disruption of natural processes, and contribution to climate change.

How has climate change impacted the way we manage water? 

Over the past decades, climate change has altered the hydrological cycle leading to more intense rainfall events (increased runoff and flooding risks) as well as longer periods of intense droughts (increased water scarcity). This “feast or famine” cycle is only expected to intensify with climate change into the future. Heightened attention to water scarcity and extreme weather events has sparked changes in the way we design buildings, and the way we manage water. Incorporating innovative water management strategies that are holistic, and go above and beyond minimum code compliance, may incur upfront capital costs, but these costs can often be offset by long-term operational savings as well as a decrease in upfront gray infrastructure costs (e.g. pipes, underground infrastructure). Key elements that influence building and site design include:

Aggressive water conservation: Designers can greatly impact a project’s water footprint through the implementation of water conservation with minimal impact to cost. Low-flow, high performing plumbing fixtures and high-efficiency mechanical equipment can go a long way to reduce a project’s water footprint without significant cost increases. Likewise, irrigation demands can be optimized through the use of native planting palates and efficient irrigation systems (drip systems, soil moisture sensors, etc.), as well as stormwater management strategies as discussed below.

Onsite non-potable water systems: These systems collect wastewater, stormwater, or rainwater and treat it so that it can be reused in a building, or at the local scale for non-potable needs such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and cooling. Technologies and codes have evolved to allow for water treatment and reuse to be implemented at “site” or “district” as compared to municipal scale water infrastructure systems. Onsite water reuse can improve project sustainability by introducing closed-loop systems and reducing the need for long-distance conveyance and pumping to and from municipal water and wastewater treatment plants (and the associated energy/carbon impact).

These systems have both upfront capital costs and long-term operational costs that need to be considered when designing a project. Low tech, passive systems are typically considered for smaller systems while larger building and district projects often implement engineered treatment technologies such as membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Building-scale reuse can become cost effective when a project exceeds approximately 35,000 gallons per day of non-potable water demand (on the order of a 300-unit residential building with some irrigation and cooling). Operational savings are realized through reduced potable water and sewer discharge fees to the local municipality; with the quickly escalating cost of these services, onsite systems are becoming increasingly financially viable.

Stormwater management and resilience: Climate drivers are impacting the way we think about stormwater conveyance, management, and natural systems. Climate change is predicted to increase peak storm intensities and frequency of large storm events, which can cause detrimental flooding and damage to both buildings and natural systems. Sustainable site planning and integration of landscape architecture with stormwater management is becoming increasingly critical to mitigate these climate impacts and improve project resilience. Natural systems not only mitigate flooding risk, but also contribute to reducing climate impacts and enhancing habitat, as noted above.

Coupled with sustainable site design, stormwater practices that focus on the creation of resilient natural systems require negligible, if any, additional cost for implementation and operations. By taking cues from permaculture practices, project costs can even be reduced by encouraging sheet flow onto adjacent landscapes to spread and soak water into the landscape, thereby reducing reliance on underground piping and engineering stormwater treatment approaches.

Where to start

Spend time to understand the local context of your projects as related to their transactional and natural water systems.

Start with a design focused on conservation and efficiency.

  • Make it easy for the end users to do the right thing (i.e. use as little water as possible) by equipping the project with sustainable building water systems.
  • A little effort will go a long way as buildings are typically designed for 50 years.

Create a project water budget considering all supplies (precipitation, wastewater, greywater, etc.) and demands (potable, non-potable, interior, and exterior). A water budget will help designers determine the best use of the project’s water resources, and whether alternative strategies such as rainwater harvesting or onsite reuse may be beneficial to the project. Many factors influence sustainability and feasibility of onsite systems, a few of which include:

  •  Location and climate – How much precipitation falls on the site and does it flow to a storm drain pipe or natural receiving water (e.g. creek)? Understanding natural patterns of flow will help to support a site-sensitive design.
  • Site design – Does the site have ample open space or is the project a zero lot-line condition? Zero lot-line might benefit from rainwater harvesting to reduce runoff rate and volume, whereas projects with substantial open space may see more benefits through managing stormwater within the landscape and natural systems.
  • Access to municipal infrastructure – is there already a source of municipal recycled water nearby? Are there constraints within the downstream municipal sewer conveyance and treatment infrastructure that might

Approach site design with natural system function at the heart of the design. Make sure your civil engineer and landscape architect are working together in lockstep.

  • Understand the site’s natural hydrology and study the key principles of permaculture. Allow these principles to inform your approach to design. Look for ways to spread runoff from roofs and hardscapes onto flat or depressed landscapes to ensure the natural and deep hydration of soils. Connect landscaped areas wherever possible both above and below grade.
  • Question a pipe-intensive design when proposed by your project civil engineer. There are always simple ways to improve the performance of natural systems and make your project more functional and resilient.
  • Plan for the impacts of climate change, including longer periods of drought and increased storm event intensity. Use landscape-based approaches to mitigate flooding risk, and increase health of soils, trees and vegetation in light of these changes.

Highlight the overlapping project benefits:

  • Supports Green corridors/shading, reduce urban heat island
  • Health: biophilia, visual and audible connection to water and the hydrologic cycle

Tools and resources

Stormwater and natural systems:

An Introduction to Permaculture

Sustainable Nation, Wiley & Sons, Douglas Farr, 2017

Onsite reuse:



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What You Can Do Right Now

What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Right Now

Climate Justice 

by John E. Fernandez, Professor, MIT Department of Architecture

Many architects are moving quickly to address the climate emergency. Some would argue not fast enough and that would be a fair observation. In fact, no industrial sector is moving fast enough to limit greenhouse gases and adequately invest in adapting to the accelerating effects of a warming planet. It is also fair to suggest that the urgency of the climate crisis now warrants identifying our predicament as a full-on climate emergency. Unfortunately, the state of California has become an epicenter of an array of concurrent and compounding climate threats. 

Emergencies are difficult to manage. Consider a national security emergency, such as a terrorist attack on a major US city, or a natural disaster, such as a devastating hurricane or lethal tornado. In these situations, the short-term response is understandably concentrated on saving lives and quickly reestablishing systems of life support and critical economic activities. However, it is too often the case that society – in the name of neutralizing existential threats – also responds in ways that may include consequential measures that suspend important societal values such as civil liberties and environmental protections. It is regrettably easy to find examples during the recent history of the United States of the coupling of emergency responses to the suspension of laws and regulations intended to protect the rights of citizens, the quality of air and water and the management of waste. Doing so, risks imposing disproportionate burdens on historically marginalized and disempowered communities. If one accepts that climate change is now an emergency – which we should – then how are we going to respond in ways that do not compromise the fairness with which we conduct ourselves?

How is fairness related to climate change? 

To answer this question, it is important to return to first principles both for the concept of fairness and the science of climate change. Let’s explore fairness first.

Fairness entails the just treatment or behavior of an individual, group or society as a whole. Therefore, to answer the question above we must explore justice. There are several types of justice; each focused on a particular aspect of human actions and their consequences. 

Distributive justice concerns itself with questions of the fairness of decisions that lead to distributing benefits and harms across society. Inter-generational justice considers our collective obligations to current and future generations. Retributive justice considers how we collectively consider and act to address and repair harms done in the past. Procedural justice emphasizes the processes by which various stakeholders accept the fairness of a decision. Inter-species justice assigns rights to non-human species and adjudicates situations of ecological harm to individuals and groups of non-human species. All of these forms of justice are relevant to decision-making and actions to address climate change.

Now let’s examine the aspects of climate change relevant to the topic of justice.

There have been no other consequences of industrialization and modernization that approaches the planetary extent and temporal duration of climate change. Every region of the world has been, and will continue to be affected by the anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Also, the effects of the release of the carbon dioxide will very likely not abate any time soon and may continue for many hundreds and even thousands of years. This is what has been referred to as the irreversibility of climate change (Solomon et al. 2009) arising from the very long residence time of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the significant potential of triggering so-called tipping points; self-reinforcing dynamics initiated by crossing critical warming thresholds and accelerating destructive effects in an uncontrolled manner (McKay et al. 2022). 

The release of carbon and methane trapped in permafrost is one such tipping point: As permafrost thaws, carbon stored and methane trapped in this natural system is released, leading to more warming and thawing. Another example is the change in albedo of the Arctic Ocean – albedo is the amount of light reflected from a surface due to its color and texture. As annual Arctic ice decreases, the dark sea is left to absorb heat that would otherwise have been reflected by the bright white of sea ice, again leading to more warming and ice melt. 

As these and many other results of global warming proliferate, it is abundantly clear that fossil fuels have driven an enormous economic expansion that has disproportionately benefited countries in the global north and other affluent regions while creating conditions of extreme inequity with developing regions of the world. Colonialism, racism, oppressive governments and corporate malfeasance have left us with a world of extreme inequality with the typical American consuming about 70 times more energy than a typical Liberian (kWh per capita, source: Our World in Data) and the wealth gap between white and black Americans remaining stubbornly large, at more than $800,000 (Darity 2021). Economic development driven by fossil fuels have been a boon to some and a legacy of oppression to others.  

The production and consumption of fossil fuels has also left us with a tragic kaleidoscope of environmental injustices not limited to the developing regions of the world but affecting historically marginalized communities in every region of the world. 

Of course, the primary effort required to move toward a low carbon future is the replacement of stationary and mobile energy systems powered by fossil fuels to systems powered by renewable sources of energy. Keep in mind that there is no reason to believe that this transition will not engender substantial environmental consequences and related injustices. A good way to think about this is that, as we act on climate change, we are transitioning away from a fossil fuel-intensive global economy and replacing it with a minerals and metals-intensive global economy. 

While extraction of oil and gas has been a particularly egregious source of environmental damage, a minerals-intensive global economy will require an enormous increase in the amounts of metals and minerals for wind turbines, solar arrays, electric vehicles and almost every type of low carbon stationary and mobile energy system. In fact, renewable energy systems require amounts of metals and minerals many times that of fossil fuel systems per unit of energy produced (IEA 2023). 

This will create substantial pressures on global supply of materials. Mining everywhere, in the US and abroad, will be incentivized to vastly increase their operations to provide for the manufacture of renewable energy systems. Mining affects local communities in significant ways and there are many examples of dire environmental injustices directly and indirectly related to mining practices; for example, the devastating collapse of the mining waste storage dam in Brumadinho, Brazil (BBC 2019) and the water contamination on Navajo lands from uranium mining (EPA 2020), among many others. 

Mining is just one among many activities that hold the potential for environmental injustice stemming from climate actions. Infrastructure and the built environment are land and place-based. What we design is situated in a specific place often for very long periods of time. Where solar farms and wind turbines are located has the potential to disadvantage low income, Native American and communities of color, similarly with manufacturing and distribution facilities.  

Therefore, our application of various forms of justice as we transition to a minerals intensive economy is central to the prospect for an equitable future. 

The concept of justice as a central priority accompanying economic interests at the beginning of the industrial revolution was almost entirely absent. Today, we have an opportunity to ensure that the transition to a low-carbon world prioritizes justice and anticipates coming injustices that will arise from the re-industrialization of our energy, transport, manufacturing and building systems.

What is Climate Justice?

Climate justice is the understanding that decisions and actions intended to address climate change may result in social, environmental, health, economic and other types of injustice. Climate justice acknowledges that a transition to a low carbon future may create new forms of burdens imposed on historically marginalized, racially discriminated and underserved people and communities (Simmons 2020). Climate justice is anticipatory of the exacerbation of existing environmental injustices and emerging and novel injustices resulting from our actions to both mitigate emissions and adapt to climate change. Climate justice also serves to merge priorities of environmental justice with those of energy transitions – two movements with very different origins and histories (EPA 2022; Eisenberg 2019). 

Being an architect today has never been more important. Few other professions in other industries are making decisions on a daily basis that will affect the energy and carbon intensity of society for decades and generations to come. As a profession, we have a responsibility to society to bring our knowledge and values to improve the prospect for everyone to fulfill their full potential as we move to meaningfully act on the climate emergency.

All of the above is only relevant to a building professional if there are ways to apply this knowledge. The following is a list of actions that you can take as a design professional today:

1. Engage in conversations about climate justice in your local professional community.

2. Send your favorite articles on climate justice to your immediate professional colleagues and others.

3. Hold an informational lunch in your firm on the topic of climate justice. 

4. Consider drafting a set of principles for yourself or your company that details the ways in which practice intersects with climate justice. 

5. Specify energy systems that do not disproportionately affect marginalized communities both in their manufacture and operation. Work with vendors and product representatives to find the information you need.

6. Advocate for low energy systems, like heat pumps, in projects serving low income communities. 

7. Specify materials and assemblies that do not disproportionately affect marginalized communities in the processing, manufacture and use phases as well as at end of service life. Know where your materials come from and do the research to know how, where and by whom those materials are acquired (mined, processed and synthesized) and delivered and again, work with vendors and product representatives to find the information you need.

8. Include criteria for diversity, equity and inclusion in requests for bids to provide services from all parties engaged in consultation and construction. 

9. Consider introducing the idea of sufficiency alongside efficiency as you engage with clients. This is an important topic in the climate science community that emphasizes the opportunity to limit our demand on materials and energy through design of buildings that are spatially lean while serving their purpose (IPCC AR6 2022).

10. Consider engaging with local environmental and climate justice organizations to get to know their work and explore your potential to contribute with your professional knowledge.


BBC. 2021. “Vale dam disaster: $7bn compensation for disaster victims”, February 4, 2021. Retrieved January 29, 2023, source: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55924743 

Darity, W. Jr. “The True Cost of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap”. New York Times, April 30, 2021. Retrieved January 25, 2023 from: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/30/business/racial-wealth-gap.html 

Eisenberg, A. M. 2019. Just Transitions. Southern California Law Review, Vol. 92:273. Retrieved January 29, 2023, source: https://southerncalifornialawreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/92_2_273.pdf 

EPA. 2020. “Abandoned Mines Cleanup.” US Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved on January 20, 2023, source: https://www.epa.gov/navajo-nation-uranium-cleanup/abandoned-mines-cleanup 

EPA. 2022. “What is environmental justice?” US Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved on January 18, 2023, source: https://www.energy.gov/lm/services/environmental-justice/what-environmental-justice 

IEA. 2023. “In the transition to clean energy, critical minerals bring new challenges to energy security.” Executive summary from, “The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transition” International Energy Agency. Retrieved January 20, 2023, source: https://www.iea.org/reports/the-role-of-critical-minerals-in-clean-energy-transitions/executive-summary 

IPCC AR6. 2022. “Summary for Policymakers. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 6th Assessment Report. Retrieved January 18, 2023, source: https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6wg3/pdf/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_SummaryForPolicymakers.pdf 

Our World in Data. 2020. “Primary energy consumption per capita (kWh/person)”. 

Data published by: BP Statistical Review of World Energy; U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA); Bolt, Jutta and Jan Luiten van Zanden (2020), “Maddison style estimates of the evolution of the world economy. A new 2020 update“. Retrieved January 29, 2023, source: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-energy-use?tab=table 

McKay, D., Staal, A., Abrams, J. F., Winkelmann, R. Sakschewski, B., Loriani, S., Fetzer, I., Cornell, S. E., Rockström, J. and T. M. Lenton. 2022. Exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points. Science, Vol 377, Issue 6611. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abn79

Simmons, D. 2021. “What is Climate Justice?” Yale Climate Connections, July 29, 2020. Retrieved January 18, 2023, source: https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/07/what-is-climate-justice/ 

Solomon, S., Platttner, G.-K., Knutti, R., and P. Friedlingstein. 2009. Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions. PNAS, 106 (6) 1704-1709. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0812721106

John E. Fernández

Professor Fernandez is on the faculty of the Department of Architecture at MIT. He is the Director of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative, MIT’s primary environmental center addressing a wide range of issues including mining for a low carbon future, nature-based solutions for climate change, climate justice and more. Fernandez holds a Bachelor of Science from MIT and a Masters degree from Princeton University.

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What You Can Do Right Now: Microgrids for Fire Season Public Safety Power Shutoffs

AIACA, What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Right Now

Microgrids for Fire Season Public Safety Power Shutoffs

By David Kaneda, FAIA

California and other western states are experiencing an increase in wildfire risk and longer wildfire seasons. Heat and drought conditions combined with high winds can cause energized lines to spark and start a wildfire. In November of 2018, California experienced their deadliest wildfire in history, known as the Camp Fire and caused by a faulty power line; the fire killed 85 people, destroyed 18,804 buildings and at $16.65 billion, was the costliest natural disaster in the world in 2018.

 While not addressing protection from an actual wildfire, this article addresses a condition that results from the threat of wildfire: Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), which affect hundreds of thousands of residents of California each year. When wildfire-conducive weather conditions occur, utilities preemptively turn off power to reduce the risk of starting a wildfire, based on actual or expected wind conditions. California has seen an increasing number of PSPS events as utility companies try to reduce the risk of forest fires caused by their power lines. From 2013-2016, there was an average of one PSPS event per year. In 2017, that number jumped to 5, then 7 in 2018, 15 in 2019 and 20 in 2020. The median length of a PSPS is 42-44 hours, with 10% lasting more than 3.8 days. This results in millions of dollars of lost productivity, spoiled food, and a threat to the safety of those dependent on electrically operated equipment such as home medical ventilators.

Key features of PSPS are:

  • PSPS nearly always happen on sunny days which makes the weather almost ideal for a microgrid combining photovoltaics (PV) and a lithium-ion battery for energy storage.
  • Utility companies typically provide ample warning that a PSPS event is imminent so building owners can ensure that batteries are fully charged before the event starts.
  • PSPS events can last for days rather than an average of 1 ½ hours for a normal power outage.

Responses to the growing number of and losses related to PSPS have been to provide onsite access to standby power to a building in the event of a PSPS. Although small gasoline-powered generators for residences and larger diesel generators for businesses can address this problem, both entail burning fossil fuels which add to the global warming problem that has exacerbated wildfires.

A greener option is to install an onsite lithium-ion battery energy storage system coupled to an PV system to form what is called a “PV/battery microgrid”. “A microgrid is a local energy grid with control capability, which means it can disconnect from the traditional grid and operate autonomously.” https://www.energy.gov/articles/how-microgrids-work A PV/battery microgrid can provide a source of standby power using smart building controls to balance the stored energy plus PV production against a building’s energy use, allowing critical components of an electrical system or potentially an entire building to continue running for the duration of a PSPS.

PV/battery microgrids can be small enough to serve a single-family residence or large enough to run a commercial office or even multiple buildings on a campus. There are even utility scale versions of microgrids, but for the purpose of this article, the size is limited to a single building or campus with a single owner. A simple version of a PV/battery microgrid would be the growing number of Tesla Powerwalls that have been installed with PV in homes throughout California that have the ability to “island” (i.e., disconnect from the grid and provide power to a home during a utility outage) as well as recharge using solar energy from the PV. An example of a larger campus microgrid can be found at Blue Lake Rancheria https://schatzcenter.org/blrmicrogrid/. Sophisticated systems can automatically charge to 100% when a PSPS is announced, automatically disconnect from the grid and restart providing power to the building when grid power is shut down, and automatically monitor the state of charge of the battery and adjust loads accordingly while the event is in progress. Since utility companies provide warning of an impending PSPS, microgrid owners can also use their batteries to manage their maximum demand and the time of use of grid energy when no PSPS is imminent and reduce their utility bills.

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What You Can Do Now: Regenerative Design

What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Now: Regenerative Design

Seth Dunn, AIA and Chris Fano, AIA, Siegel & Strain Architects

What is Regenerative Design? 

The goals of Regenerative Design are ambitious and go well beyond typical design briefs: to activate the capacity of complex systems to restore, repair, and sustain life on this planet. It aims to use human intervention to not just stop environmental degradation, but also to restore the relationships between natural, social, and man-made systems, and identify the unique value-adding role that each contributes to the larger whole. To do this, we must expand our skills as Architects, acting not only as project managers, but also as cultural incubators, active observers, and even community visionaries. Regenerative design is based on developing a knowledge of place, activating the healing potential within every project, and expanding our role as designers of a healthy, livable future.

Understanding Place 

One of the most important tenets of regenerative design is that the project itself is not the goal. A good building with all its merits and sustainable features, is merely a catalyst, a tool within a more complex and larger system. A perfect example is the Billion Oyster Project. The desired outcome is not the installation of a new reef, but the resultant habitat that is created for oysters to eventually clean and restore the Hudson River. To realize this kind of regenerative potential, that goes well beyond designing a building, the project must be deeply grounded in place. To know what a place needs, you must first understand its cultural, historical, and natural role within the greater environment. To gather this knowledge, it may be necessary to engage with a broad range of stakeholders who have intimate knowledge of a place or its features; botanists, indigenous tribes, historians, permaculture experts, local businesses, and nonprofits, to name a few. Working together, as co-designers and co-creators, the aim of this collaboration is to identify a rich sense of the Living Systems in which a project is nested

These systems are complex, interconnected, non-linear, and kinetic. They may be cultural, such as indigenous history; economic, such as a staple industry; or biological, such as a regional watershed. These systems are an extension of every site, and our actions are constantly influencing them, whether positively or negatively. Take, for example, a small residential remodel project on a quiet suburban street. While one could argue the carbon is spent, the development is complete, and the remodel is of little consequence, this small residence still exists within a complex web of systems that extend far beyond its site boundaries. The Quesada Gardens project in San Francisco’s Hunters Point Neighborhood exemplifies this type of broad systems thinking, where a trash laden median was transformed by two local residents into a community garden. What was once a piece of infrastructure eventually became a productive landscape that not only enhanced the local ecology, but also provided food, education, and joy to local residents. Regenerative thinking asks us as designers to find the ways in which our design interventions can have positive, synergistic and increasingly complex relationships with their larger context.

Stepping back from the project itself and observing these larger relationships that connect to the community or watershed often provide key insights. Everything in nature is based on connections between parts of a system. Regenerative thinking asks us to observe the intersection of webs present on a given site, and choose interventions that reinforce instead of impede those natural confluences. To better observe these relationships, start by asking these questions when in Pre-design (developed by Helen and Newton Harrison and catalyzed by the Regenesis Institute):

How big is “Here?”

▪       Find the scale and boundaries of the place, and its nested watershed, food systems, technological systems, material systems and local cultural systems.

▪       Possible Stakeholder Questions: How far out does the impact of the site extend? How far out do the systems that affect the site extend? What are the main inflows and outflows of resources on the site? Where do they originate, and lead?

How does “Here” work? 

▪       Find the patterns and relationships that permeate the place. These may be geographic, ecological, or cultural.

▪       Possible Stakeholder Questions: What is the carrying capacity of the site? Do you drive long distances to arrive onsite? How does the watershed flow and get replenished? Is the site limited in water, energy, or food? What are the key relationships on which the site depends?

What makes “Here” unique?

▪       How do the people who live in a place define it?

▪       Possible Stakeholder Questions: What do you love about this place that makes it special? How will this project enhance or contribute to the existing culture? How will it create collaboration and cooperative relationships so that what is here may stay here in perpetuity?

Through asking questions like these with your project team, you can expand an understanding of regeneration within the project and tap into the potential of a project to usher in positive change.


The Brattleboro Food Co-op has been a beloved grocery store in Brattleboro, VT since 1975. When it became clear they were exceeding the capacity of their existing space, the Co-op desired to build a new LEED certified grocery store that both reflected their values and continued to serve their community. Through a participatory design process with Regenesis Group, they realized this space could serve a fundamental role beyond simply being a green grocery store. The Brattleboro Food Co-op could serve as an anchor for the broader local food economy, supporting farmers, teaching cooking skills and serving as a hub to the downtown Brattleboro neighborhood. Through an analysis of place, the project evolved beyond a traditional grocery to include a commissary kitchen, cooking classrooms, and residential apartments above (that shared energy regeneration with the refrigeration system below). Opportunities were taken to achieve a project with ripple effects well outside the boundaries of the site, including analyzing where the food sold in store was originating. All this tied directly to the needs of the place and systems in which the store operated. Thinking about a project in this larger context allows an assessment of true impact and allows the Regenerative Potential of the project to emerge.

Identifying Potential

Regenerative design seeks fundamentally to tap into every project’s potential to allow living systems to co-evolve towards ever higher orders of diversity, complexity, creativity, and prosperity. This regenerative capability is the foundation upon which we build the project’s unique value-adding role, or the purpose it serves with a community. This is very different from a building’s function, which can evolve and change over time. The research gathered on the history and ecology of a place is pivotal to defining this role for a project. Furthermore, this role should focus on the image of the future the project wants to create, the end-state that will benefit the systems in which it is nested long after the punch list is complete. For projects that require it, community engagement early and often in the design process can be instrumental in defining this role. Using the How Big is “Here” framework can help identify the parameters and living systems in your project, while simultaneously identifying the needed repairs to these systems.


A project currently in Schematic Design here at Siegel & Strain Architects was given the task of transforming an existing Coast Guard Housing development into a Zero-Net Energy affordable housing project. Through a participatory design process with project stakeholders and community groups, information was gathered on what residents in the nearby town valued about their community, what they felt was lacking, and what they hoped to see through the proposed project. A multi-lingual, multi-disciplinary outreach effort sought input through drawing, mapping, listening sessions, and knowledge sharing. As a result, it was determined that in addition to farmworker housing to serve the local agriculture economy, an Education Center would be created to provide ancillary support to the local community. This space would offer after school programs, a native teaching garden, edible landscapes, a maker space, and a lending library. In addition to housing, which is its function, the project would also act as a resilience hub, and provide emergency off-the-grid power, EV charging, cooling, dry goods storage, and other benefits in the face of a changing climate. While providing much needed housing, the project also responds to other local needs and realizes its potential to serve a broader purpose. In addition, the residents who live in this development will gain formative life skills that will impact the community at large, thus tapping into multiple economic, cultural, and biological systems within the site.

Expanding the role of the Architect

An understanding of place and a realization of its unique potential necessitates a more nuanced approach to site analysis. As the design team begins its Pre-Design assessment, a regenerative approach will demand additional research on not just the prevailing winds and sun, but also the history, culture, economy, hydrology, and biology of the site and its context. We must also pay attention not only to the systems that flow in and out of a site, but also to the people who inhabit it. This type of listening requires that we see every place in all its complexity. Our tendency as architects is to want to simplify. But that reductionist approach to the world is exactly what has caused the cascading degradation we see around us. The community development practitioner and regenerative specialist Beatrice Benne advocates for the opposite. To respond to the challenges of our time, she argues, we need to increase the capacity of the systems we create to deal with complexity. Our work exists within complex systems, and to reverse the damage we see to our environment, we must start every project by understanding those systems. This does not necessarily mean increasing the complexity of our projects, but instead looking for and making the key interventions to allow for complex systems to develop and flourish on their own.

Our role as the designer is to facilitate dialogue between stakeholders and draw them into the project as co-creators and collaborators. Working with an expanded stakeholder group during the pre-design process helps define the project’s value adding role. The most sustainable building, designed for net zero with rainwater catchment, carbon sequestering structural systems, and drought tolerant landscaping, may still increase traffic, displace residents, or be out of scale with its neighbors. Our role should be to understand from stakeholders what these issues are and address them in our designs. We must become active observers, listening to and understanding the local solutions each place inspires and requires.

More thoroughly defining the project may take more time early in the design process but prevent redesign and extensive changes later in the process. The greater the up-front investment amongst key stakeholders, the greater the chance of success when the project meets the realities of schedules, budgets, and regulations in later phases of design and construction. Set a goal of improving the local economy, a local ecosystem, or enriching a specific community. Plan a project schedule with a 5-, 10-, or 20-year target through which some positive change can be measured. In the most successful regenerative projects, the design and building process acts as a catalyst for a further regeneration, allowing communities to thrive and contribute to their ecological and cultural niche. This means that we as the Architect must create the framework that allows cultural and natural regeneration to occur and develop new life far after the project is complete.

At its core, Regenerative Design is about designing not just sustainably, but also responsibly, and in harmony with nature. The philosopher Alan Watts said, “It is absolutely absurd to say that we came into this world. We didn’t. We came out of it”. We must see ourselves as part of nature if we are to design a healthy, livable future with it. Through regenerative thinking, early in the design process, the goal is to understand how the individual parts interact with the greater whole, and to put in place, through our understanding and action, the conditions needed for life to heal itself.

Things You Can Do Right Now to Use Regenerative Design in Architectural Practice

  1. Listen and observe to truly understand a place. Every project has a “here”.
  2. In addition to the usual site analysis, conduct a systems analysis at the start of every project to understand the impact it has beyond the site boundaries. Observe the relationships between your project and its context.
  3. Think about your project’s higher potential to evolve future systems complexity.
  4. You and your project stakeholders should develop a statement and guiding concept that identifies the essential value-adding role of your project that goes beyond just its function. Test this statement against the values, motivations, and traditions of the community it is nested in.
  5. Once you understand your project’s value adding role, identify metrics that can be used to hold the project accountable. These might be adopted from Living Building Challenge or LEED, for example, but may also be unique and project specific.
  6. Partner with local stakeholders and community groups to understand what a place needs and ensure those needs can be met long after construction is complete.
  7. Understand your role is to bring forth what is needed in each place, in a given time. Think less like a designer, and more like a co-designer with nature.
  8. Understand your project is just the beginning of the process and should be a catalyst for evolutionary change.
  9. Don’t stretch too far. The change should be achievable, or the process can lose momentum.
  10. Build a field of optimism, energy, and excitement about the potential of the project. Sustain this energy through the design process by keeping it achievable, and frequently envision the healthy, livable future you are trying to create.



Seth Dunn, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, LFA is a Bay Area based Architect and Regenerative Practitioner. Seth leads teams of Landscape Designers, Permaculturists, Civil, Structural and MEP engineers from Schematic Design through construction on sustainable projects that support the greater community.

Chris Fano, AIA, LEED GA, has brought ecological systems thinking into each of his projects over his 15 year career. He has worked on modular eco-homes, straw bale and rammed earth residences, passive remodels, and net zero affordable housing projects, and is currently pursuing both LFA and Passive House Certification.

Seth Dunn & Chris Fano are project architects and regenerative practitioners at Siegel & Strain Architects.

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What You Can Do Right Now: Carbon Storing Materials

What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Right Now: Carbon Storing Materials

By David Arkin, AIA, and Bruce King, P.E.


What are Carbon Storing Building Materials?

All building products have a carbon footprint—the greenhouse gas emissions from extracting raw materials, transporting and processing them, and transporting the finished product off to the building site — also called embodied carbon. For an average building in North America, the whole building footprint is typically 300 to 400 kg CO2e/m2. (Conversations about buildings and carbon are almost always in metric, so North Americans need to be careful to convert from Imperial units when necessary) Smaller-scale, primarily wood-framed buildings average closer to 200 kg CO2e/m2.

Bio-based materials and products are made from plants that have via photosynthesis pulled carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, released the oxygen, and used the remaining carbon to build their cells, effectively storing this carbon in the trunk, branches or stalk. When a plant dies and decays, some of the carbon is stored in the soil while the rest is released back into the atmosphere. If these plant resources are instead harvested and converted into a building product, the carbon is effectively stored for the life of the building.

Some of the stored carbon is negated by carbon emitted during harvest, process, transport, and installation. Plants with a longer cycle for renewal (trees, that is, averaging 40 years) will lose their carbon removal benefit as living resources when cut, while rapidly-renewable resources that grow and die on a shorter cycle have greater potential for carbon drawdown. Thus, the greatest opportunity for global drawdown is in faster-renewing bio-based resources such as hemp, bamboo and straw, rather than timber. Further, softwood forests only exist in limited parts of the Earth, while grains are grown almost everywhere. Straw is abundant and ubiquitous, while forests no longer are.

What are the impacts / Why is it important?

Our most common building products typically have a big carbon footprint, especially cement and steel, both because of the production energy required and for their massive widespread uses. Petroleum-based resources such as plastics and foam insulation have large footprints as well, in addition to their other toxic by-products and grievous harm to aquatic ecosystems. Widespread use of these carbon-intensive products during construction—while often used in the interest of energy efficiency—put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere now, a time when we should be significantly decreasing emissions to stave off the worst effects of climate change.

Using carbon-storing resources in place of these “big ticket” emitters, or at least choosing the lowest embodied carbon options (low-carbon concrete and cellulose insulation, for example), has the potential to turn buildings into the earth’s sixth carbon sink. This, along with reasonably efficient all-electric buildings powered with renewable energy sources, are our best path to a sustainable future.

What’s changed?

Not long ago the focus of green building was almost solely on increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy. Both of those remain very important, especially in the energy upgrade of existing buildings, but the embodied carbon or “up front” impacts of the materials are now recognized as equally if not more important. Carbon storing construction has a primary a role to play in achieving true zero net carbon buildings.

Taking this a step further: minimally processed bio-based resources that maintain soil health through regenerative agriculture or sustainable forest management can more than double the carbon taken out of the atmosphere. Trees—which have a longer cycle to harvest—are more effective at pulling carbon from the atmosphere towards the end of this cycle, and are often best left to grow and continue absorbing carbon in favor of annual resources such as straw, the by-product of growing food. Mycelium, enzymes, bacteria and other microbial life forms are also emerging in building products as potential mass drawdown “partners”.


Beginning with insulation: Plant-based insulation often has a lower R-value, and requires additional thickness to meet an assembly’s thermal needs. For straw or hempcrete, this could make for a 10% larger footprint for the same interior space. However, the thermal mass effect and other health benefits provide a sort of happy offset to both the occupants and the planet.

Materials that can be swapped for similar systems (e.g. mass timber or mass bamboo instead of concrete or steel; cork rather than foam insulation board, etc.) shouldn’t have differing labor costs, and with scale material costs will drop as well. Unfamiliarity with these resources can result in contractors and subcontractors charging additional to factor for ‘unknowns’, but with experience will find there’s little difference. Education for the design and engineering team will follow a similar arc.

Carbon storing resources need not exact a premium in cost. The Mahonia Building, a 34,000-sf mixed-use warehouse and office building in Eugene, OR was built for $147 per square foot. The second and third floors of office space were built with typical wood framing—2×6 studs 24” on center with plywood sheathing—and infilled with BOEBS (bales on end between studs), finished with clay plaster, with some of the clay harvested from the site excavation. Clad with steel, these walls still stored 12 tons of CO2, but had they been built with more typical steel stud framing, fiberglass and foam insulation, and gypsum board, these same walls would have emitted 60 tons, and they would have cost more as well.

Where to start and things you can do right now

1.    Start by understanding the embodied carbon impacts of the materials we typically build with and then focus on reducing those impacts: Use less, use better versions, and to the extent feasible utilize ultra-low carbon and carbon-storing resources instead.

2.    Insulation and cladding are some the easiest places to integrate carbon-storing alternatives. For example using dense pack cellulose insulation instead of fiberglass or foam insulation products substitutes a carbon storing resource at little if any added cost. Cladding with wood or cork rather than metal or stucco is another example.

3.    Utilize Embodied Carbon accounting tools to measure your progress, which will help prioritize offsetting carbon-emitting materials with some that store carbon.

4.    Target an achievable goal: 75 kgCO2e/m2 represents a very good building (400 is average for larger buildings; 200 for wood-framed residential).

5.    Challenge your team to explore what a carbon-storing version of a current project might look like, and then implement what strategies the project can allow.

6.    Document your efforts and share them.

Links Resources and Tools

Links – Importance of Bio-Based Construction in Addressing Climate Change:

Build Beyond Zero: New Ideas for Carbon-Smart Architecture

February 2021 CLF Report

Carbon-Storing Materials

August 2021 CLF Report:

Transformative Carbon-Storing Materials: Accelerating an Ecosystem

Building with Biomass: Turning Buildings into Carbon Sinks

Financial Times – Dec. 3, 2021

Straw-inspiring: houses made of the humble bale by Paul Miles

AIA.org – May 2022

Buildings Must Become the Earth’s Sixth Carbon Sink by William Richards

The Architectural Review – June 15, 2022

The short straw: bio-based construction by Dominique Gauzin-Muller

Builders For Climate Action – 2019

White Paper #1 Low-Rise Buildings as a Climate Change Solution

Builders For Climate Action

Emissions of Materials Benchmark Assessment for Residential Construction

Natural Resources Canada – Builders For Climate Action

Achieving Real Net-Zero Emission Homes: Embodied carbon scenario analysis of the upper tiers of performance in the 2020 Canadian National Building Code

Yearbook 2020 Supporting the Use of Straw in Urban and Public Buildings (UK)

•  rmi.org

Bruce King, PE, is a structural engineer and author of “Build Beyond Zero” and “The New Carbon Architecture”.

David Arkin, AIA, LEED AP is a Principal of Arkin Tilt Architects, on the AIA 2030 Commitment Working Group and co-Director of CASBA (California Straw Bale Association.)


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White Paper: Climate Action in Design Awards

Climate Action, What you can do right now, White Paper|

COTE Network:
Raising the Bar: Bringing Climate Action into Design Awards Programs

By Henry Siegel, FAIA

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Image: 2021 AIA California Climate Action Award Recipient Lisa & Douglas Goldman Tennis Center. Designed by EHDD. Photo: Cesar Rubio

AIA California Climate Action Committee (formerly known as Committee on the Environment, or COTE) has been raising the bar for the AIA California Design Awards for nearly 15 years. From the beginning, this effort has been about broadening the definition of design excellence to include performance, sustainability and many other essential design criteria now articulated in the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence.

The Framework lays out a broad vision of design excellence, and integrated high-performance design is at the heart of that vision.

The AIA California Board of Directors approved requiring performance criteria as part of all design awards submittals in 2010. For the first few years an additional sustainability narrative was required. Starting in 2014, we introduced the Performance Data Worksheet that required entrants to supply a few critical metrics, such as Energy Use Intensity. 2018 saw the introduction of a Climate Action Committee representative to the Awards Committee that picks jurors for the Design Awards, along with Technical Review of all design award entrants, with scores given to the jury. In 2020 the Common App, developed by national AIA COTE was introduced with the hope that it would be used for all design awards programs at all levels across the AIA.

This article is designed to serve as a guide for chapters to implement some, if not all, of the changes listed above into local chapter design award programs. Recounting the history of how this played out at the state level helps tell the story of how this has evolved over time, as well as the persistence and ongoing communication over years required to make it happen. We also will relate some of the arguments made in favor of these changes and some of the objections we met. Our purpose is to help you make the case to your chapter.

The Components
There are several components that need to work together to successfully incorporate ecological values into design awards programs and, as we have learned, none of these components work all that well on their own; you will eventually need most of them in place to get meaningful results. These main components are:

  • Require performance metrics in design award submissions
  • Provide educational information for entrants to improve the accuracy of metrics submitted
  • Provide calculators to extract energy performance metrics from Title 24 documentation
  • Conduct technical review of submissions by a panel of experts
  • Have COTE/Climate Action involvement in jury selection
  • Revise Submittal Guidelines
  • Provide jury instructions
  • Consider offering Climate Action Awards and special commendations/citations
  • Support promotion of winners (and sharing of these case studies widely)

In 2014, AIA California developed their own form for submitting energy and water metrics to the AIA California Design Awards programs, and these forms were quickly adopted by AIA San Francisco and AIA East Bay chapters, among others. In 2020, we introduced the Common App, developed by the national COTE advisory group, as the standard form for entering AIA California design awards. AIA California’s Committee on Design Awards immediately signed on to the use of the Common App; they recognized the value of having a single submittal form for all levels of awards programs across the AIA.

When the Common App was first introduced, the AIA California Climate Action Committee hosted question and answer sessions by phone to help entrants better understand the information they needed to complete the forms. (And, in some cases to address why we were asking for this info.) Over time, as people became used to the forms, the number of people attending and questions asked substantially decreased.

AIA California hosted a webinar to go through the Common App in detail and answer questions entrants might have. You can find a video of that webinar on the awards page of the website, and you can link this for chapter award programs at: https://aiacalifornia.org/design-awards/

An AIA COTE national subcommittee is currently working on how to house, fund, and update the Common App as practice, criteria and metrics change over time.

After several years of requiring metrics, it was evident that many architects did not fully understand them, so the Climate Action Committee has provided resources, all available on the AIA California website, for use in local awards programs. These include:

Technical Review
Technical review of submittals, which takes place shortly before the jury review, was originally based on a similar process piloted by the AIA East Bay. Each submittal is reviewed independently by 3 reviewers (this might be only 2 at the chapter level) and scored according to a rubric developed over the years that ranks each project from a low of 1 – for projects that ignore the metrics or don’t report any efforts to address lower carbon design – to a score of 5 – for high-performing projects that successfully integrate all aspects of sustainability into the design of their projects. (This is also a standard statistical scoring scheme that can be statistically analyzed if need be.) Tech reviewers are drawn from a community of architects and engineers from all over California who understand the measures and metrics and can evaluate them fairly. (Tech reviewers ask to be switched to another project if they know the project they are reviewing.) The scores are averaged, and the final score is given to the jury along with any comments the tech reviewers make about each project.

Juries have reported that they prefer this preliminary review to having to review the metrics in detail themselves, and that they use both the scores and the comments in their evaluation of projects. While the preliminary technical review saves the jurors a lot of time and effort, jurors can still dive into the measures and metrics on each project if they care to do so.

During the first several years of tech review, scores were quite low, averaging below 3, with few scoring 4 or above. We have seen encouraging improvement in the scores in the last several years.

Picking Jurors
After a few years, it became increasingly clear that simply providing information about performance was not enough to focus juries on using the metrics as an important way to evaluate projects. AIA California Climate Action Committee lobbied to add a Climate Action representative to the design awards committee that proposes jurors who understand the measures and metrics and use them in evaluating the worthiness of projects. This is where persistence mattered: it took years of meetings and discussions to move from rejection to acceptance of this idea, and eventually to what is now a strong and positive working relationship between the Climate Action representative and the design awards committee. Once implemented, we began to see substantial change in the kinds of projects awarded. It’s clear that this is one of the most effective ways to assure that design that addresses climate is an important criterion for awards. Many of the talking points later in this article were used along the way to help make our case and will, hopefully, be useful in making the case to your chapter.

The AIA California Design Awards jury is typically made up of 2 out-of-state architects, 2 in-state architects and 1 non-architect. In the recent past the non-architect position has typically gone to an engineer or consultant who is an expert in sustainable design and its metrics. We also aim to pick at least one other member of the jury who is a practicing architect with a strong sustainable ethos and practice. We maintain a long list of potential jurors (which can be shared with and augmented by COTE Chapters) which we use in discussions about jury members so that we can help the committee make sure that the jury is balanced and diverse in many ways. The process is similar for the Residential Design Awards.

Climate Action Awards and Special Commendations
AIA California has added Climate Action Awards (formerly Leading-Edge Awards) to the awards programs. Projects must score at least a 4 in the technical review to be eligible for a Climate Action Award, and projects that win this award are eligible to receive a “regular” design award as well. This year we are asking the jurors to award Special Commendations for projects that might not be overall design award winners but demonstrate outstanding performance in one particular area, such as one of the measures of the Framework for Design Excellence. And we are asking Tech Reviewers to recommend worthy candidates.

Revised Submittal Guidelines
We have revised the Submittal Guidelines for design awards to:

  • Emphasize the importance of integrating climate action and sustainable strategies into all projects.
  • Let submitters know that their projects will be judged on how well they perform, not just on what they look like.
  • Outlined the process for applying for design awards, including the need to gather and submit metrics and the use of the common app.

Jury instructions
In recent years we have added jury instructions to help guide jurors in their selection process. We ask the jury to remember that design excellence includes all aspects of the Framework for Design Excellence and that projects that receive Honor Awards must perform well. Projects that don’t report any measures or metrics or perform badly should not receive awards at all. We will be adding instructions this year to help jurors make special commendation selections.

The final step is to ensure that promotion and press releases talk about building performance and climate aware strategies, not just about how the buildings look. We will be working with AIA California staff to provide them with the kind of information they need to promote the progress we are making in integrating environmental and climate action strategies into our projects.

Talking Points:
There are many ways of conveying the importance of incorporating sustainability into design awards programs, not the least of which is educating our peers on how what we do affects climate change, of course – those discussions are well represented elsewhere (see www. architecture2030.org, for example) so they are not included here. However, there have been a few specific themes that that have been resonant and effective talking points:

  • Sustainability is a design issue, not just a technical issue. The most critical performance decisions happen in schematic design, not later when developing building systems design. And the AIA California Climate Action Committee has always believed that buildings must perform well and meet high aesthetic design standards to be award winners. (It’s worth noting the number of national AIA Firm of the Year award winners have strong sustainability bona fides: LMS and Brooks + Scarpa, to name 2 California winners of that award.)
  • Every community and every project should be thinking about “future-proofing” for a warming climate. This will, of course, vary from location to location and might, for example, take the form of reducing the number of west-facing windows, or upsizing cooling equipment or downsizing heating equipment to anticipate future change.
  • The AIA Code of Ethics (https://content.aia.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/2020_Code_of_Ethics.pdf) (ES 2.4 and Rule 2.401) requires architects to “make reasonable efforts to advise their clients and employers to their obligations to the environment including: “…resistant to climate change.”
  • Year after year, the national AIA COTE Top Ten Awards generate much more interest from local, regional, and national press outlets than the national AIA Honor Awards. The COTE Top Ten Awards are perceived by the public as architects addressing issues that concern everyone, while the Honor Awards are perceived to be architects talking to one another. Promoting what architects are doing to fight climate change is an effective way to demonstrate that architects are out front in leading the design of the built environment in a way that addresses issues that are critical to everyone.
  • The goal has always been to broaden the definition of design excellence to include how buildings perform and more, not just what they look like. The recent declaration of a climate emergency by AIA along with the adoption of the Framework for Design Excellence (based on the AIA COTE Top Ten Measures and Metrics) show that there is a lot of institutional support for this direction.
  • Students and emerging professionals are demanding that the profession make climate action an integral part of all projects.
  • Resilience: Wildfire and other events caused by climate change need to be addressed by the design of sustainable and resilient systems at all scales, from buildings to infrastructure.
  • Electrification: Given that over 50 cities across the state have passed electrification ordinances, it’s clear that our clients are highly aware of the links between building design and climate change and want to see this reflected in our design work.

Other concerns you may need to address

  • “The Common App is too long and arduous and hard to understand.” It has been our experience that there are many questions the first couple of years and webinars and FAQs were set up to answer these. Over time, the number of questions rapidly decrease. However, we make sure that there a people available to answer specific questions.

“Fewer people will apply for design awards.“ Design Awards submittals have been down the last few years, but there is no simple explanation for this. Explanations range from reduced work because of the pandemic, to being too busy to submit and include the perceived hurdle that the Common App represents. Emphasizing efforts to educate and answer questions for the first several years addresses many of these concerns.

This effort is, in part, about changing design culture and changing culture can be hard. You may need to bring this into your chapter over time, introducing a few of these measures one year – the common app and tech review perhaps – and giving members a year or two to get used to these before taking next steps. Or perhaps your chapter recognizes the urgency of the issues and is ready to accept all of them at once. AIA California can provide back-up information and advice as you move forward.

As a final note, the author would like to acknowledge and thank Bill Leddy, Bill Burke, and the late Bill Worthen (aka “The 3 Bills”) who began this journey with me nearly 15 years ago, along with Nicki Dennis Stephens and the staff at AIA California. We wouldn’t be where we are today without their participation, advice, and support.

[1] https://aiacalifornia.org/aia-california-declares-a-climate-emergency/



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What You Can Do Now: Incorporate Energy Efficiency into Tenant Improvement and Renovation Projects with Integrated Systems Packages

What you can do right now|

What You Can Do Now: Incorporate Energy Efficiency into Tenant Improvement and Renovation Projects with Integrated Systems Packages

Paul A. Mathew, Ph.D
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

What are Integrated System Packages?

Upgrading existing commercial buildings through energy efficiency retrofits will be a key component of decarbonizing the building sector to fight climate change. Yet, despite the evidence and widely available technology, the inconveniences and costs associated with efficiency retrofits are standing in the way of broad adoption. Integrated System Packages (ISPs), developed by researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with support from the Department of Energy (DOE), are quasi-standardized retrofit packages that can be seamlessly integrated into the real estate lifecycle – during tenant fit-outs and renovations. These packages enable easier and cheaper energy upgrades for office buildings by reducing disruption to building occupants and cutting costs.

Why Are They Important?

Energy efficiency retrofits are most commonly approached as standalone engineering projects, which, when implemented one after the other, are highly disruptive to building occupants and activities. Systems-based efficiency approaches are becoming increasingly recognized as the most effective method for deeper energy and cost reductions. However, systems-based approaches often require significant engineering expertise for proper design, integration, commission, and operation. That’s where ISPs come in. ISPs can be incorporated into standard real estate lifecycle events – tenant improvements, equipment replacement, and renovations — to reduce disruption to building occupants, and the pre-engineered nature of the packages minimizes additional expertise and costs.

LBNL has developed ISPs for three common real estate events: tenant fit-out, rooftop unit (RTU) HVAC replacement, and full building renovation.

What are the different types of ISPs and their impacts?

Tenant Fit-Out ISP:

The Tenant Fit-Out ISP can be incorporated into a routine tenant improvement. The package includes (a) lighting upgrades, such as LED fixtures, occupancy-based controls, and daylight dimming controls, (b) HVAC controls upgrades in line with ASHRAE Guideline 36, and (c) energy monitoring. The HVAC controls include trim and response for supply air temperature and duct static pressure, demand-controlled ventilation, intermittent ventilation, and zone sequences. Optional measures include network lighting control systems, plug load controls, automated interior shades, and ceiling fans. Simulation analysis showed significant energy savings associated with the Tenant Fit-Out ISP, which were then validated by laboratory testing in LBNL’s FLEXLAB. The laboratory results show lighting energy savings from 69-84%, HVAC savings from 20-40%. The simulation results show whole-building energy savings from 23-38%.

Roof Top Unit (RTU) Replacement ISP:

The RTU ISP can be integrated into an RTU replacement project. This package includes a high-efficiency RTU, advanced controls based on ASHRAE Guideline 36, and energy monitoring. Optional measures include window films and cool roofs to reduce the HVAC load. Simulation and laboratory results showed 12-18% energy savings from the RTU Replacement ISP.

Building Renovation ISP:

Any routine building upgrade can incorporate the Building Renovation ISP. This package includes LED lighting and daylight dimming controls, high-efficiency RTUs, HVAC controls based on ASHRAE Guideline 36, and energy monitoring. Optional measures include ceiling fans, automated interior shades, window films, cool roofs, and plug-load controls. Simulation results showed the savings associated with this ISP range from 25-45%.

For the ISPs with RTU replacements, projects are strongly encouraged to consider all-electric replacements, with heat pump RTUs instead of furnace-based heating. In fact, California’s Title 24 code requires all-electric replacements for packaged units depending on size and location, starting January 2023.

ISPs in Action

CBRE – a large property management company and partner in the development of ISPs – manages several properties for a financial institution in the Southeastern U.S. When one property, a bank in Birmingham, was planning facility renovations for exterior lighting and rooftop solar PV, CBRE saw an opportunity to pilot the Tenant Fit-Out ISP. With the addition of the ISP, the project scope was expanded to include interior lighting upgrades, including LED lighting and daylight-based dimming, and HVAC controls upgrades based on ASHRAE Guideline 36, including static pressure reset, heating lockout, zone-based scheduling, optimized start, and widening deadband to 4°F.

Since the bank did not have an energy monitoring system and was not large enough to justify an installation, CBRE used interval data from the utility to measure energy consumption loads and savings from the upgrades. The savings calculations showed 25% energy savings for the entire retrofit – 6% from the exterior lighting upgrade and 19% from the additional ISP measures.


CBRE gave the lighting and HVAC contractors Tenant Fit-Out ISP template specifications for the renovations. While straightforward for the lighting upgrades, the HVAC controls specification did require some customization because the Guideline 36 measures depend on which HVAC system is used. Since the pilot in Birmingham, LBNL has developed an ‘ISP specifications generator tool’ that allows users to base ISP specifications on the specific characteristics of a site. Full toolkits are now available for all ISPs. Chris Pelrine, the Director of Energy Sustainability at CBRE said: “the ISP toolkits offer the ability for project developers and planners to easily apply energy efficient standards into the design specifications of the project. The toolkits will not only streamline project execution but will also allow the planner to estimate the energy savings. This will aid in the approval of any potential cost increase due to installing energy-efficient equipment.”

By integrating the Tenant Fit-Out ISP into a routine renovation, the Birmingham bank was able to achieve 19% higher energy savings. What’s more, the expanded project led to minimal additional disruptions or costs because contractors were already in place for the exterior lighting upgrades and rooftop solar installation.

In summary:

Energy efficiency retrofits will be a critical part of the U.S. building sector reducing its carbon emissions to meet climate goals. By integrating ISPs into the standard real estate lifecycle, these retrofits no longer have to be expensive special projects that disrupt building occupants and activities. Furthermore, the standardized efficiency packages streamline the retrofit process and reduce engineering requirements. Put simply, ISPs make energy efficiency easier and cheaper for building architects, owners, and occupants. To learn more, please check out the ISP toolkits at LBNL’s website: https://buildings.lbl.gov/cbs/isp.

Get started right now

  1. If you are designing routine tenant fit-outs, RTU replacements, or full renovations for a building, consider incorporating an ISP into the process to enable deeper energy and cost savings. Check the applicability guides for the ISPs. Use the specifications templates to reduce the level of design and engineering effort.
  2. Explore the ISP toolkits online at: https://buildings.lbl.gov/cbs/isp.
  3. Share knowledge about ISPs with owners and other stakeholders.


  1. Integrated System Packages, LBNL website: https://buildings.lbl.gov/cbs/isp
  2. CBRE case study
  3. Energy Efficiency Package for Tenant Fit-Out: Laboratory Testing and Validation of Energy Savings and Indoor Environmental Quality. Energies 2020, 13(20), 5311; https://doi.org/10.3390/en13205311.
  4. Package deals for deep savings: Scaling deep retrofits in commercial buildings with integrated systems packages. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. August 2020. Technical Report


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