
Lorcan_O’Herlihy, FAIA Photo: Colin Lenton

Meet 2018 AIACC Distinguished Practice Award Recipient Lorcan O’Herlihy, FAIA. And, he would like all to be aware that this is not his honor alone.

“We are a team driven by ideas,” he explained, “we have a great group here, and I’m very proud of the work we are doing. People come here with great energy and this award is just as much theirs.”

Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects [LOHA] is indeed a firm driven by ideas. With offices in Los Angeles and now Detroit, MI, O’Herlihy and his team are not only building structures, but problem-solving the ever-changing urban landscape and what that means to the people who inhabit it.

O’Herlihy explained that “ideas, coupled with a conscious understanding of architecture’s role within a social, environmental, cultural context, is what drives our work.” Ultimately the work seeks to elevate the human condition. Indeed, who can argue with that?

In his submittal, a primary theme shines throughout, a guiding philosophy the firm embodies: Amplified Urbanism. According to his portfolio, Amplified Urbanism “seeks to reimagine the creative interaction between public and private spaces, emphasize social and civic connections, and work within existing ecological and infrastructural patterns to cultivate vibrant communities.”

O’Herlihy has long been known for captivating the imagination and pushing the design envelope. One juror commented in the deliberations how anytime O’Herlihy’s name is brought up, either the firm, the founder, or the work, conversation ensues. “He is a respected member of the architecture world,” another juror said. “His work is strong and there is a lot to be learned from it—his design is thoughtful and always takes into account the surrounding environment.” For examples, see Mariposa 1038, African Bead Museum, or Big Blue Bus Stops. (These, however, are far from the only examples. There are many on the LOHA website. We suggest taking a look at the work in its entirety.)

The vote was unanimous to award O’Herlihy with the 2018 Distinguished Practice Award and will be honored in San Francisco at the 2018 AICC Design Awards Gala October 4.

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