2014-candidates-600pxNominations for all open positions are due by Sept. 9. Nominees must be AIACC members in good standing and able to attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings. Don’t forget – nomination letters must be received on original letterhead with signature by Sept. 9.

Nominations for any office not received by this date must be made from the floor by 2/3 vote of the AIACC Board of Directors at the AIACC Annual meeting held Fri., Nov. 8, at the California Club in Los Angeles. The California Club is located at 538 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, 90071.

Open Positions

1st Vice President/President Elect – 2014
Secretary/Treasurer – 2014-2015
Vice President of Legislative Affairs – 2014-2015
Vice President of Professional Practice – 2014-2015
Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals – 2014-2015
AIA Regional Director, California – 2014-2016
Associate Director, North – 2014-2015
Young Architects Forum (YAF) Director, South – 2014-2015
Student Director, North – 2014-2015
Regional Associate Director – 2014-2015

For more information regarding the nomination process and positions descriptions click here.

Please contact Krin Peterson for further information via email at

Good luck, and see you in November.

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