The advocates of the architectural profession in the Capitol, the Government Relations program represent AIA CA before the state Legislature, regulatory agencies, boards and commissions.

Providing a strong and continuing presence in the state Capitol, the program sponsors legislation critical to the profession’s interests and actively monitors other legislation affecting the profession’s well-being. On the regulatory side, the program represents architects before the regulatory bodies, actively advocating for issues including: sensible, workable state building codes, energy efficient design principles, improvements to the State procurement process, and unified design and construction authorities within the Executive Office.

The program also works to build a strong political base for architects by promoting the critical relationships between architects and their legislators.

Scott Terrell
Director of Government Relations

Some of the issues the Government Relations program is working on your behalf include:

PROTECT architects from professional service taxes

IMPROVE state contract indemnification language through the development of reasonable and insurable requirements

ENSURE the lines of communication with the state agencies are open and support architects right to compete for projects

MAINTAIN a focus on equitable contracts for architects in the public procurement process

WORK with the California Architects Board and insurance professionals on settlement reporting requirements

PROTECT Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) procurement of design professionals for public projects

PROMOTE excellence in public buildings to establish and promote quality improvements in the planning and design of public spaces

FIGHT for quality learning environments and increased funding for school facility construction

HELP to support candidates who understand and support these issues in the legislature

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